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400 MHz waveform-processing scope
Tektronix 7854 on a K213 cart

Produced from to

Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The 7854 Waveform Processing Oscilloscope was a product of the 1980s that combined analog and digital technology. This oscilloscope was based on the 7000 Series mainframe, using 7000 Series amplifiers and time bases. The 7854 oscilloscope was a four compartment, 400 MHz bandwidth mainframe with all the capabilities of a 7000 Series analog mainframe.


  • Analog bandwidth: 400 MHz (plug-in dependent)
  • Digital sample rate: 500 kHz
  • Record length: 128, 256, 512 or 1024 points
  • Programmable: via GPIB interface
  • Internal programming language: RPN (Reverse Polish Notation)
  • Vertical resolution: 10 bits


