Leon Orchard

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Kenneth Leon Orchard (b. 30 Dec 1930 in Dalhart, Texas – d. 1 May 2011 in Oregon) was an engineer who worked at Tektronix for more than 25 years.

In 1975, he managed the Portable Oscilloscope Division, responsible for all portable scopes, T900 series, Sony/Tektronix products, Telequipment, and cameras and accessories[1].

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Products by Leon Orchard

Manufacturer Model Description Designers Introduced
Tektronix 475 Portable 200 MHz dual-trace scope Leon Orchard Luis Navarro Bob Shand Jim Hinze Jim Godwin Les Larson Steve Tosh Jim Woo Ken Holland Bill Mark George Ermini Dennis Braatz 1972
Tektronix 465 Portable 100 MHz dual-trace scope Leon Orchard Luis Navarro Bob Shand Jim Hinze Frank Dewater Pete Janowitz Dave Laib Al Schamel Bert tenKate Ken Holland Bill Mark George Ermini Dennis Braatz 1972
Tektronix 475A Portable 250 MHz dual-trace scope Leon Orchard Luis Navarro Bob Shand Jim Hinze Jim Godwin Les Larson Steve Tosh Jim Woo Ken Holland Bill Mark George Ermini Dennis Braatz 1977

Components by Leon Orchard

Patents by Leon Orchard
