Based in London, UK
Been using Tek scopes for many, many years.

I own a couple of scopes not on this wiki

I need to remind myself to refer to the style guide for this wiki: Tekwiki_Guidelines

I learned recently that the thickness of the 7000 series plugin PCBs (and presumably others) is ⅟16". There's no unicode symbol for that so I thought I'd try and take note of these two options:
This is test text to check alignment 1/16" and trailing text.
This is test text to check alignment ⅟16" and trailing text.
This is test text to check alignment and trailing text.

My only and lonely 5000 series
Model Options Notes
5103N D12 Dual beam display module. Missing plugins. Strange light mark on CRT/implosion guard.
Some of my TM500 series
Model Options Notes
TM501 Seems to work OK.
TM503 Seems to work OK. Missing top cover.
TM506 Seems to work OK.
PG501 Will service and calibrate this soon.
DC503 Needs repair but mostly working. Completely worn print on five of the ten buttons.
FG504 No power...
PG506 Will service and calibrate this soon.
Some of my 7000 series
Model Options Notes
7603 7A18, 7A18 & 7B53A Engineer says it worked before he stored it but no trace visible now...
7613 Opt 6 Spectrum Analyser Graticule, 7A15Ax2 & 7B53N
7623A 7A15A, 7A26 & 7B92A My least favourite Tek scope?
7633 7A15A, 7A18 & 7B50

Some of my portable collection
Model Options Notes
222PS Carrying bag, pouch with probes as new, ops manual. Pristine! Needs replacement battery pack and alignment - I could find that caps or dry joints need work when I try that...
455 Pouch, Front cover, manuals Queued for repair - completely DOA.
465 Pouch, OPT 7 (DC PSU Input) Queued for repair - no trace.
465 OPT 4 (EMI reduced), OPT 7 (DC PSU Input) Queued for repair - no trace.
465B Front cover, pouch, manuals, calibration records. Pristine (bar rear feet)
465B Twitchy - needs service.
465B Twitchy - needs service.
466 Analogue storage version of 465
468 Storage version of 465B
468 Damage to A trigger control...
468 Cover, Op Manual, OPT 4 (EMI), OPT A2 (3 metre power cord with UK plug)
TBS1052B-EDU EDU means courseware Excellent condition but very new. I use this as my favourite portable.
TDS2012B USB version of TDS2012. I'm amazed how accurate it is for frequency readout.
2445 Pouch. Queued for repair: Got this from someone who said it worked 8 years ago. Needs PSU caps and more. Row of knobs below CRT all smashed.
2445 Pouch, front cover. Queued for repair: Got this from an engineer who says it has been on Royal Navy tour to The Falklands. Pristine front panel .
2215 Queued for repair: Got this from an engineer who says the trace is distorted.
2445B Pouch Queued for repair: Got this from an engineer who had recap'ed it - boot sequence seems OK - just get steady bright spot near centre on CRT.
2465B Pouch, OPT 2 (Probe Power) Queued for repair: RIFA caps + NVRAM (already backed up! Got FRAM replacement to fit.)
2465B Pouch My favourite scope!

Model Options Notes
1485C Dual-standard Television Waveform Monitor.

Some of my Telequipment
Model Options Notes
D67A Front cover, manuals, calibration records Immaculate!
D75 Horizontal version of D83
D83 I love this for the large screen - same tube as 7403N and 7603

I have others... I intend to share more info some time soon.