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Tektronix 7D01
Logic Analyzer
Tektronix 7D01 without display formatter

Compatible with 7000-series scopes

Produced from 1976 to 1985

Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 7D01 is a 16-channel logic analyzer plug-in for the 7000-series scopes that takes two P6451 8+1 channel probes.

When used by itself, it only displays a timing diagram that can be positioned and zoomed using analog controls, and uses the mainframe's readout system to indicate the cursor position (on top) and the binary data pattern at the cursor location (using the two bottom readout fields).

When combined with an optional DF1 or DF2 display formatter (attached to the left of the 7D01 through a DD-50 connector), data domain displays (state table and map) become available.

The 9th channel on the first probe serves as an external clock input, that on the second probe as an external qualifier. The input logic threshold can be set to 1.4 V for TTL, a screwdriver-adjustable voltage (VAR) between −12 V and +12 V, or a mixed mode (TTL-VAR) where the first probe (0–7, CLK) is set to the variable voltage, and the second probe (9−15, QUAL) to 1.4 V.

The 7D01 acquires data asynchronously using an internal clock from 10 ns to 50 ms per sample, or synchronously based on an external clock. A built-in word recognizer can trigger on any combination of the 16 data signals, plus the probe and external qualifier inputs. The recognizer's output is available to trigger an external unit, e.g. when the 7D01 is combined with amplifier and timebase plug-ins in a 4-bay mainframe.

The 7D01 is also compatible with the DL2 or DL502 latch (glitch detector) that plugs in between the P6451 probes and the 7D01's inputs, and receives the sample clock from the 7D01's Store Clock output.

Project manager for the 7D01 was Murlan Kaufman.

Key Specifications

  • 4 channels at 1016 bits/channel, maximum external clock period 10 ns (100 MHz)
  • 8 channels at 508 bits/channel, maximum external clock period 20 ns (50 MHz)
  • 16 channels at 254 bits/channel, maximum external clock period 40 ns (25 MHz)
Sampling Rate 10 ns to 5 ms per sample (1–2–5) or external clock up to 50 MHz
Trigger Sources
  • external
  • channel 0 data
  • 16 channel word recognizer
  • manual


The 7D01 does not contain a microprocessor and is built entirely from off-the-shelf ECL and TTL logic ICs. The data path, acquisition memory, and clock generator in the 7D01 are built using ECL circuits.

The –4.8 V and –2 V ECL supplies are generated by a 555-driven switcher powered off the ±15 V rails.

There is an internal DB-25 data output connector and a front-panel cut-out for the corresponding cable. (Any known uses?)


Note about external clock rates (from Jim Mauck):

When I was a Tek Service Technician I worked on the 7D01. For several years I tested every 7D01 I worked on (and that was a lot of them) with a 100 MHz external clock in 16 channel mode. I would use a DF2 and set it to reacquire continuously as long as the 7D01 memory was the same as the original data I stored into the DF2 memory. The analyzer would run for hours without error. The funny part is that it wasn't until I had been doing this for several years that I realized it wasn't specified to run at that frequency. I continued to test them that way even after I discovered my error. However the instrument exceeding the specifications might be due to the data source providing a generous setup and hold time relative to the active clock edge.

The 7D01 is often affected by bad TI IC sockets, see the Repairs tab.



Custom ICs used in the 7D01

Page Model Part nos Description Designers Used in
155-0090-00 M059 155-0090-00 155-0090-01 155-0090-02 four-decade counter, latch and D/A converter Mike Metcalf 7B85 7D01 7D12 7D15 7J20
155-0171-00 M150A 155-0171-00 four-decade counter, latch and D/A converter Mike Metcalf 7B85 7D01 7D12 7D15 7J20