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Tektronix 2252
100 MHz portable 4-channel scope
Tektronix 2252

Produced from 1991 to 1995

Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 2252 is a 100 MHz four-channel analog oscilloscope with a built-in 200 MHz counter/timer. Channels 1-2 are fully-functional, whereas 3-4 are limited in both deflection factor and coupling, as they are intended mainly for digital and trigger signals.

The 2252 includes the same features of the 2247A plus Push-Button Hardcopy Output, Centronics Interface, and Full GPIB programmability.

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 100 MHz
Deflection CH 1, CH 2: 2 mV/div to 5 V/div in 1-2-5 seq; CH 3, CH 4: 0.1 V/div and 0.5 V/div, all ±2%; BW Limit: 20 MHz ±15%
Vertical Operating Modes CH1,2,3,4, CH2 Invert, Add, Alt, Chop (625 kHz)
Input Impedance 1 MΩ ±1.0% // 20 pF ±1 pF
Maximum Input Voltage 400 V (DC + peak AC) or 800 V (p-p ac at ≤ 10 kHz)
Sweep Speeds A Time Base: 0.5 s/div to 20 ns/div in 1-2-5 seq; B Time Base: 5 ms/div to 20 ns/div in 1-2-5 seq (×10 magnifier to 2 ns/div)
Trigger DC, Noise Reject, HF Reject, LF Reject, AC, TV Line, TV Field
Trigger Modes A Mode: Auto Level, Auto, Norm, TV Line, TV Field, Single Seq. B Mode: Runs After Delay, Auto Level, Norm, TV Line (From A Source)
Trigger Source A & B Vert, CH1, 2, 3, 4, Line
Voltmeter DC, +Peak, −Peak, PK-PK, Gated Volts, Smart Tracking Cursors: Volts, Gnd, Trigger Lvl
Counter/Timer Freq, Period, Width, Totalize, Freq Ratio, Sec, 1/Sec, Phase, Rise/Fall Time, Prop Delay Time
Cursors Time, 1/Time, Delta Time, 1/Delta Time, Delta Phase, Volts
Interface Centronics Printers: Epson FX-Series (25-pin); GPIB connector; Ext Counter/Timer Base Input connector; Ext Z-Axis Input connector
Probes Two P6109 100 MHz ×10 probes, BNC connector with a readout pin
Power 100 W max, 90 − 250 VAC, 48 − 445 Hz



Some Parts Used in the 2252

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
155-0242-00 155-0242-00 155-0242-01 Hybrid integrated circuit Z-axis amplifier and autofocus 2215 2252 2440 2445 2445B 2465 2465B 2467 2467B
165-2235-03 165-2235-03 Hybrid integrated circuit preamplifier 2215 2252 2445 2465 2467
M377 165-2129-03 165-2089-06 155-2089-05 Monolithic integrated circuit amplifier 11A16 11A32 11A33 11A34 11A52 2245 2245A 2247 2247A 2252 TDS410 TDS420 TDS460 TDS520D TDS540D TDS580D TDS680C TDS684C TDS714L TDS724D TDS754D TDS784D