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Tektronix 107
square-wave generator
Tek 107 front

Produced from 1958 to (?)

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 107 is a squarewave generator introduced in 1958.

It is designed to provide a clean waveform with fast edges and flat tops for the calibration of oscilloscopes.

Key Specifications

Output rectangular waveform, 100−500 mVp-p (variable) into 50 Ω
Rise time less than 3 ns (fixed) when terminated into 50 Ω
Repetition rate 400 kHz to 1 MHz (variable, uncalibrated)
Weight 5.9 kg (13 pounds)
Power 100 W


The signal path starts with an astable multivibrator composed of both halves of a 6BQ7A dual triode tube. The multivibrator circuit is cathode coupled to a pulse shaping circuit, and then to an output stage made from a single 6AU6 tube with a 50 Ω plate load, providing a controlled 50 Ω output impedance. The 50 Ω plate load keeps the voltage gain of output stage low, and the bandwidth high.



Some Parts Used in the 107

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
6AU6 154-0022-00 157-0073-00 157-0059-00 154-0284-00 Vacuum Tube (Pentode) RF pentode 107 129 160 181 190 60 2A60 72 3A72 3C66 310 310A 316 317 360 502 502A 506 511 511A 512 513 516 517 517A 524 526 529 RM529 531 531A 535 536 545 545A 546 547 549 555 561 561A 561S 564 565 567 570 575 581 581A 585 585A 80 C CA Q
6BQ7A 154-028 154-0028-00 157-0003-00 157-0022-00 Vacuum Tube (Dual Triode) dual triode 107 163 181 310 315 316 360 524 531 532 535 536 541 545 570 T