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Tektronix 7514
90 MHz storage mainframe
Tektronix 7514

Produced from 1970 to 1974

(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 7514 is a 90 MHz split-screen bistable CRT storage scope. It can take four 7000-series plug-ins, two for vertical and two for horizontal. It is fitted with a remote control connector.

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 90 MHz
Fastest calibrated sweep 5 ns/Div
Stored writing speed > 60 Div/ms regular, > 1 Div/μs enhanced
Display P1 phosphor, 8×10 divisions of 1 cm (Tek 154-0622-00 storage tube), split screen
Storage Time up to 1 hour
Calibrator DC and 1 kHz rectangle, 4 mV to 40 V in 5 steps, 40 mA current loop
Power consumption 225 W max.
Weight 19.5 kg (43 lb)


Regarding the 7514, Ron Barrett WB7PMP says:

I used to work at Tek and took the opportunity to purchase a 7514 from Tek Surplus in 1978. I have used it on and off over the years and it has never quit. The 7514 was the pinnacle of the original generation 7000 series. As I found out from its project manager and my division engineering manager at the time it pushed design to the limit in two areas. The basic electrical and mechanical design was based on the 7504 which is a real boat-anchor. In order to supply the additional power for storage and to reduce weight, one of the first switching power supplies to appear in test and measurement equipment was designed. This was a nontrivial achievement in the late 60's. The resulting design with some modifications was used for all subsequent 7000 series mainframes. When combined with the goal to not degrade 7504 on-screen performance, elevated storage with split-screen capabilities and every storage function imagined at the time made electrical design difficult and CRT design nearly impossible. Lesson learned: future generations of Tek CRT storage did not try to serve all needs. So the 7514 is somewhat unique, was very expensive and had a relatively short life in production as Tek rushed to introduce second generation products which were cheaper to produce. No more gold circuit boards like those used in the 7514. There have been a few of these pop up on E-bay but none have approached the condition of this one. I completely calibrated it several years ago and checked it out just prior to listing. As you can see from the photos, storage works fine and non-store rise time is about 3ns with very clean transient response. Measured bandwidth was 108 MHz and would be more if the spec. on aberrations was pushed to the limit. Spot size, trace noise and writing rate are what one would expect.


Documents Referencing 7514

Document Class Title Authors Year Links
Tekscope 1970 V2 N5 Oct 1970.pdf Article Tektronix Storage Tubes 1970
Tekscope 1975 V7 N3.pdf Article Storage Expands Your Oscilloscope Measurement Capabilities Dave McCullough 1975


The inverter control circuit in the 7514's switch-mode power supply is made of discrete components. It does not use the 155-0067-02 inverter control IC that is featured in most 7000-series mainframes. Depending on serial number, it uses a 154-0622-00 or 154-0622-02 CRT.



Some Parts Used in the 7514

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
155-0009-00 155-0009-00 Monolithic integrated circuit horizontal lockout logic 7504 7514 7704 7704A R7704 7834 7844 7854 7904 R7903 7904A 7934 7104
155-0010-00 155-0010-00 Monolithic integrated circuit chop divider and blanking 7504 7514 7704 R7704 7704A 7834 7854 7904 R7903 7904A 7934 7104
155-0011-00 155-0011-00 Monolithic integrated circuit clock and chop blanking 485 7313 7403N R7403N 7503 7504 7514 7603 AN/USM-281C 7613 7623 7623A 7633 7704 R7704 7704A 7834 7844 7854 7904 7904A R7903 R7912 7912AD 7912HB 7934 7104 R7103 AN/USM-281C
155-0012-00 155-0012-00 Monolithic integrated circuit Z Axis Logic 485 7504 7514 7704 R7704 7704A 7834 7844 7854 7904 R7903 7904A R7912 7934 7912AD 7912HB 7104 R7103
155-0013-00 155-0013-00 155-0013-01 Monolithic integrated circuit horizontal chop and alt. binary 7504 7514 7704 R7704 7704A 7834 7854 7904 7904A R7903 7934 7104
155-0022-00 155-0022-00 155-0022-01 Monolithic integrated circuit analog multiplexer 147 148 149 335 468 1430 1441 1461 1900 1910 2220 2221 2230 5223 5403 5440 5441 5443 5444 5A38 7313 7403N 7503 7504 7514 7603 AN/USM-281C 7613 7623 7623A 7633 7704 R7704 7704A 7834 7844 7854 R7912 7912AD 7912HB 7904 R7903 7904A 7934 7A12 7A18 7A18A 7A18N 7B52 7B53N 7D10 7D11 7D12 NT-7000 P7001
T7510 154-0622-00 154-0622-02 CRT CRT 7514

Custom ICs used in the 7000 series readout system

Page Model Part nos Description Designers Used in
155-0014-01 M019D 155-0014-00 155-0014-01 analog-to-decimal converter Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system 7854 7934 7J20 7L5 P7001
155-0015-01 M020F 155-0015-00 155-0015-01 analog data switch Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system 7854 7934
155-0017-00 M025 155-0017-00 5 MHz decade counter Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system 7854 7934
155-0018-00 M026 155-0018-00 zeros logic control Les Larson 7000 series readout system 7934
155-0019-00 M027 155-0019-00 decimal point and spacing control Les Larson 7000 series readout system
155-0020-00 M028 155-0020-00 output assembler Les Larson 7000 series readout system
155-0021-00 M029C 155-0021-00 155-0021-01 timing generator Les Larson 7000 series readout system 7854 7934
155-0023-00 M160 155-0023-00 character generator (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system
155-0024-00 M161 155-0024-00 character generator (↓ < I / + - + C Δ >) Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system
155-0025-00 M162 155-0025-00 character generator (m μ n p X K M G T R) Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system
155-0026-00 M163 155-0026-00 character generator (S V A W H d B c Ω E) Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system
155-0027-00 M164 155-0027-00 character generator (U N L Z Y P F J Q D) Barrie Gilbert 7000 series readout system