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Tektronix 2430A
150 MHz, 100 MS/s portable digital scope
Tektronix 2430

Produced from 1988 to 1994

ROM Images
File Pos. Checksum
160-4398-04 U670 b8d76ded
160-4399-04 U680 f3f1f472
160-4400-04 U682 d2cc2120
160-4401-04 U690 943e4695
160-4402-04 U692 70cba0e9
(All manuals in PDF format and OCRed unless noted otherwise)
Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 2430A is a portable dual-channel digital scope from the 2000-series, an updated version of the 2430.

WARNING: Operation of the 2440, 2439, 2432, 2432A, 2431L, 2430, and 2430A, 2424L: A/D-converter and CCD hybrids may suffer irreparable damage within a few minutes if operated out of the metal enclosure without extra cooling.

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 150 MHz (Limit: 20, 50, Full)
Rise time 2.33 ns (Repeat on, 16×averaging)
Sampling rate 100 MS/s
Sampling type Real time: 500 ns/Div and slower, Equivalent time 200 ns/Div and faster
Single event bandwidth 40 MHz (2430A)
Glitch capture 2 ns
Deflection 2 mV/div to 5 V/div in 1-2-5 sequence
Resolution 8 bit
Record length 1024 samples
Input impedance 1 MΩ // 15 pF or 50 Ω
Sweep speeds 2 ns/div to 5 s/div in 1-2-5 sequence (Modes A, A Intensified and B)
Acquisition modes Normal, Envelope (glitch capture), Average
Display modes CH1, CH2, invert, add, multiply, X-Y
Cursors Volts, Time, Volts At Time, 1/Time, Slope
Functions A Mode - Auto Level, Auto/Roll, Normal and Single Seq; B Mode - Trigger After Delay, Runs After Delay, 1K Record Length and more
Interface GPIB
Probes Two passive P6133 150 MHz ×10 voltage probes, 1.3 m

  • Printer/plotter output
  • On-screen help
  • GPIB
  • Autoprobe function with P6137
  • Automatic measurements
  • Extensive triggering capabilities


Documents Referencing 2430A

(no results)



Some Parts Used in the 2430A

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
154-0850-01 154-0850-00 154-0850-01 CRT CRT 2424L 2430 2430A 2431L 2432 2439 2440 2445 2465 2465A 2465B
155-0238-00 155-0238-00 Hybrid integrated circuit preamplifier 11302A 2424L 2430 2430A 2432 2445 2465 2466 2467
155-0239-00 155-0239-00 155-0239-01 155-0239-02 Hybrid integrated circuit trigger 2424L 2430 2430A 2432 2445 2465 2467 2400-series scopes 11201 11401 11402
230-0001-50 230-0001-50 Hybrid integrated circuit phase clock array 2424L 2430 2430A 2432
230-0002-50 230-0002-50 Hybrid integrated circuit trigger logic array 2424L 2430 2430A 2432
Motorola 6809 156-1494-00 156-1494-01 Monolithic integrated circuit 8-bit microprocessor 2424L 2430 2430A 2440 7D20 DM5120 DM5520 Keithley 193A Keithley 196 Keithley 199
TMS9914 156-1444-00 156-1444-01 Monolithic integrated circuit GPIB controller 11301 11301A 11302 11302A 2221 2230 2424L 2430 2430A 2440 4052A 4054A 021-0374-00 067-1137-99 AM700 DC5009 DC5010 DM5010 DM5110 DM5120 DM5520 FG5010 MI5010 SG5010 SG5030 SI5010 PS5004 PS5010 Keithley 182 Keithley 193A Keithley 195 Keithley 195A Keithley 196 Keithley 197 Keithley 199 Keithley 220 Keithley 224 Keithley 230 Keithley 263 Keithley 617 TDS420 TDS420A TDS460 TDS520