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Tektronix 212
500 kHz miniature dual channel analog scope
Tektronix 212

Produced from 1973 to 1991

Manuals – Specifications – Links – Pictures

The Tektronix 212 is a small portable analog dual-trace CRT oscilloscope with a bandwidth of 500 kHz. The 212 "Miniscope" was developed by a group led by Dave Allen.

Key Specifications

Bandwidth 500 kHz (reduced to 400/300/100 kHz in 5/2/1 mV/Div ranges)
Deflection 1 mV/Div to 50 V/Div, 1-2-5, and variable (up to 125 V/Div), or X-Y (X via Ch1)
Sweep 500 ms/Div to 5 μS/Div, 1-2-5, and variable magnifier 1-5 ×
Input impedance 1 MΩ // 140 pF (160 pF below 100 mV/Div)
Trigger sensitivity 0.2 Div internal, 1 V external (banana jack input)
CRT 6 × 10 divisions of 0.203" (5.16 mm), 154-0699-00 tube, P31 phosphor, 1 kV acceleration
Power 10 internal size A NiCd cells, 3-5 hour operation, or AC line, < 3 W




Year 1974 1977 1986 1990
Catalog Price $1,000 $2,045 $2,450
In 2025 Dollars $5,200 $5,900 $5,600



Some Parts Used in the 212

Part Part Number(s) Class Description Used in
154-0699-00 154-0699-00 154-0699-50 CRT directly-heated CRT for miniature scopes 211 212 SC501
155-0047-00 155-0047-00 Monolithic integrated circuit dual variable-gain amplifier 211 212 214
155-0048-01 155-0048-00 155-0048-01 155-0055-00 155-0055-01 Monolithic integrated circuit trigger sweep 211 212 213 214 432 433 5B12N 5B13N 5L4N 603 604 605 606 606A 607 624 SC501 R7912
155-0083-00 155-0083-00 Monolithic integrated circuit dual operational amplifier and dual current source 212 214
2N4851 151-0504-00 151-0504-01 Discrete component silicon unijunction transistor DC501 DC502 DC503 DC503A DC504 DC505 DC505A DC508 DC508A LA501 R1330 212 214 4002A 4623 4631 4632 4633A 4634 4701 4701R 670-0696-01 670-1274-00 670-1981-00 670-1981-01 7D01 7D12 7L12
2N5060 151-0503-00 Discrete component 30 V, 0.8 A thyristor (SCR) CG551AP C50 C51 C52 C53 C70 DC505 DC505A DC508 DC508A 1240 1241 212 213 214 4014 4015 4025 4027 4105 4106 4107 4109 4111 450 4623 4631 4632 4633A 485 5D10 5223 7D10 7D11 7L12 7L13 7L14 7L18 7912AD 91HS8