Main Page
This is a wiki for the community of Tektronix oscilloscope enthusiasts.
The purpose of this site is to help people get information about classic Tektronix equipment. There is nothing for sale here. If you have any information to contribute, please make an account and make changes. Also feel free to add pages. To add a page, search for the page. If it cannot be found, you will be given the option of creating it. You have to be logged in to make changes.
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- 2212
- 2215A
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- 7104
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- 7613
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- 7633
- 7704
- 7704A
- 7834
- 7844
- 7854
- 7903
- 7904
- 7912
- 7934
- DSA600
- 11801
- RM16
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- 1A1
- 1A2
- 1A4
- 1A5
- 1A6
- 1A7
- 1S1
- 1S2
- 1L5
- 1L10
- 1L20
- 1L30
- 1L40
- 1M1
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- A
- B
- CA
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- K
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- O
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- Q
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- T
- W
- Z
- 4S1
- 4S2
- 5T1
- 5T1A
- 5T3
- 6R1
- 6R1A
- 7A11
- 7A12
- 7A13
- 7A14
- 7A15
- 7A17
- 7A16/P
- 7A18
- 7A19
- 7A21N
- 7A22
- 7A26
- 7A42
- 7B53
- 7B10
- 7B15
- 7B70
- 7B71
- 7B87
- 7B92/A
- 7CT1N
- 7D20
- 7M11
- 7S11
- 7T11
- 7S14
- WR501
Other Instruments
Non-Tek Plug-ins for Tek Instruments
Many manuals for classic Tek gear are freely available online. Sites that generously serve archives of Tek manuals are:
Other manuals are not yet freely available online. Please visit the list of manuals that are needed.
Maintenance Issues
External Links
- TekScopes forum on Yahoo (account required)
- KO4BB/Didier Juges's Wiki
- The Museum of Tektronix Scopes (UK)
- Stan Griffiths' page
- Tekscope Museum (DE)
- Julian Bunn's Tek page
- Paul Marossy's Tek 453 page
- Bill's Tektronix 453 and 454 Info Pages
- Christian Weagle's directory of 5000-series scopes
- Kurt's Tektronix page
- Bob Cromwell's page on repairing a 2245A
- J.Evans's 545A page
- Tek's Scope Troubleshooting Guide
- David DiGiacomo's Test Equipment page
- Mark Kahrs's Test Equipment page
- KB7RGG's 7000-series Plug-in Guide
- The classicTEK Project
- Tektronix Older Vintage Oscilloscopes & Plug-ins
For help with this site, email Kurt, the administrator, at:
- 161 text and photos
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- 317 photos
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- 454 photos
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- 514 text and photos
- 515 text
- 516 text and photos
- 517 text, factory cal, manual
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- 543 photos
- 544 photos
- 545 internal photos
- 546 photos
- 547 photos
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- 561 internal photos
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- 567 internal photos
- 568 photos
- 7104 text and photos
- 7603 text and photos