Manuals from ebay 141799603371: Difference between revisions

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These titles were for sale in Ebay listing For each of them, we should either confirm that we have them, complete, or add them to an explicit wishlist.
These titles were for sale in Ebay listing For each of them, we should either confirm that we have them, complete, or add them to an explicit wishlist.

* [[015-0062-00]] TV sync seperator
* [[015-0149-00]] 75 - ohm return loss bridge
* [[015-0239-01]] remote monitor unit [[015-0240-01]] remote control unit
* [[015-0407-00]] subcarrier harmonic rejection filter
* [[015-0408-00]] peak - to - peak detector amplifier
* [[016-0072-00]] ac power supply
* [[067-0500-00]] calibration fixture crt deflection capacitance normalizer
* [[067-0502-00]] calibration fixture standard amplitude calibrator
* [[067-0502-00]] calibration fixture, factory calibration procedure
* [[067-0502-01]] calibration fixture amplitude calibrator and comparator
* [[067-0508-00]] calibration fixture 50 ohm amplitude calibrator
* [[067-0521-00]] calibration fixture load pulser for 530 / 540 / 550 series
* [[067-0521-01]] calibration fixture load pulser for 530 / 540 / 550 series
* [[067-0532-00]] -- diagrams only, unbound photo copy --
* [[067-0532-00]] calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* [[067-0532-00]] change notice aug 73
* [[067-0532-00]] hf constant amplitude signal generator factory calibration procedure and diagram
* [[067-0532-01]] calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* [[067-0542-99]] low frequency sinewave generator -- circuit diagrams only, A3 dyeline --
* [[067-0542-99]] low frequency sinewave generator -- parts list only --
* [[067-0542-99]] sine wave generator
* [[067-0543-99]] dc voltage bride calibration fixture factory calibration and inspection procedure
* [[067-0543-99]] dc voltage bride calibration fixture factory calibration procedure and diagram
* [[067-0543-99]] dc voltage bride calibration fixture parts list and diagram
* [[067-0543-99]] dc voltage bridge
* [[067-0546-00]] ntsc vectorscope test unit / [[067-0570-00]] pal vector scope test unit
* [[067-0587-00]] calibration fixture signal standardizer
* [[067-0587-01]] calibration fixture signal standardizer
* [[067-0587-01]] signal standardizer calibration fixture
* [[067-0587-02]] calibration fixture signal standardizer
* [[067-0588-99]] power supply checker
* [[067-0599-00]] calibration fixture 576 calibration unit
* [[067-0601-00]] calibration fixture video test signal generator
* [[067-0601-00]] television test signal generator factory calibration procedure
* [[067-0605-99]] knob readout exerciser
* [[067-0608-00]] calibration fixture overdrive recovery
* [[067-0657-00]] calibration fixture normalized ramp generator
* [[067-0659-00]] calibration fixture logic card extender
* [[067-0680-00]] calibration fixture normalizer
* [[067-0690-00]] calibration fixture high resolution test generator
* [[067-0700-00]] 7D12 calibration fixture
* [[067-0722-00]] digital demo aid
* [[067-0791-99]] digital test unit
* [[067-0938-00]] calibration fixture passive notch filter
* [[067-0961-00]] diagnostic memory board -- binding missing --
* [[067-0995-99]] plug - in test load
* [[067-1012-99]] 6802 demo aid
* [[067-1039-00]] pattern generator
* [[067-1066-00]] calibration fixture ( ridged extender board ) -- unbound --
* [[067-1178-99]] input c calibration fixture -- photo copy --
* [[067-1201-99]] TM500 power module tester and utility power supply
* [[105]] square - wave generator
* [[106]] square - wave generator
* [[109]] pulse generator
* [[10A2A]] dual trace amplifier
* [[1106]] power supply / [[465]] option 7 / [[475]] option 7 -- no binding --
* [[111]] pretrigger pulse generator
* [[11301]] / [[11302]] preliminary service information
* [[11301]] / [[11302]] programmable oscilloscope users refererence preliminary
* [[11401]] / [[11402]] digitizing oscilloscope users reference manual
* [[11401]] / [[11402]] digitizing oscilloscope users reference manual -- ring bound --
* [[114]] pulse generator
* [[11B2A]] time base
* [[11B2A]] time base plug - in
* [[11B2A]] time base plug - in unit mod 165K -- UNBOUND --
* [[130]] L/C meter
* [[134]] current probe amplifier [[P6019]] / [[P6020]] probes
* [[1401]] spectrum analyzer module
* [[1405]] / [[1405]] option 01 television sideband adaptor -- flier --
* [[1405]] tv sideband adapter
* [[1410]] ntsc generator with options
* [[1410]] ntsc generator with options sn b010135 and up
* [[1411]] pal generator with options
* [[141A]] / [[R141A]] mod 703z (k1f) modification insert supplement to standard manual
* [[141A]] / [[R141A]] pal test signal generator
* [[1420]] / [[1424]] specifications and ordering information
* [[1420]] ntsc vectorscope
* [[1421]] pal vectorscope
* [[1430]] random noise measuring set
* [[143]] secam test signal generator
* [[144]] / [[R144]] ntsc test signal generator
* [[1450]] - 3 television demodulator
* [[1450]]-2 television demodulator
* [[1450]]-3 television demodulator
* [[145]] pal gen lock test signal generator
* [[1460]] automatic video corrector
* [[1461]] insertion test signal generator delete / inserter
* [[1470]] ntsc cctv color sync & test signal generator
* [[1474]] ntsc cctv color sync generator
* [[1478]] calibrated chrominance level corrector
* [[147A]] / [[149A]] ntsc test signal generator
* [[1480]] series waveform / vector monitors
* [[148]] / [[R148]] mod 950 a / b
* [[148]] insertion test signal generator --- binding missing ---
* [[1501]] TDR
* [[1502B]] matallic time domain reflectometer
* [[1502]] / [[1503]] time domain reflectometers water tight sealing procedures
* [[1502]] performance check and calibtation -- partial manual. Unbound
* [[1502]] time domain reflectometer
* [[1503B]] matalic time domain reflectometer
* [[1503]] time domain reflectometer
* [[172]] proggramable test fixture
* [[1740]] series waveform / vector monitors
* [[1750]] series waveform / vector monitors
* [[176]] pulsed high current fixture
* [[177]] standard test fixture
* [[184]] time - mark generator
* [[190A]] / [[190B]] sine wave generator
* [[191]] constant amplitude signal generator
* [[1A1]] dual - trace plug - in sn 20000 -- up
* [[1A2]] sampling unit
* [[1A4]] four channel amplifier
* [[1A5]] differential amplifier plug - in unit
* [[1A6]] differential amplifier
* [[1A7A]] differential amplifier
* [[1L5]] spectrum analyzer
* [[1S2]] sampling unit sn 1990 up
* [[200]]-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[200]]-1B scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[201]]-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[201]]-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[202]]-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[202]]-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[203]]-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[204]]-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
* [[208]] storage monitor operators
* [[208]] storage monitor with options
* [[2101]] pulse generator
* [[211]] oscilloscope maintanace
* [[212]] oscilloscope
* [[213]] DMM oscilloscope with options
* [[214]] storage oscilloscope
* [[21]] calculator operators manual
* [[2213]] oscilloscope
* [[2215]] oscilloscope
* [[221]] oscilloscope
* [[2225]] oscilloscope
* [[2225]] oscilloscope and options operators manual
* [[2335]] oscilloscope
* [[2336]] oscilloscope
* [[2337]] oscilloscope
* [[2430A]] - brochure
* [[2430A]] digital oscilloscope
* [[2430A]] digital oscilloscope operators manual
* [[2430A]] digital storage concepts
* [[2430]] digital oscilloscope
* [[2430]] digital oscilloscope operators
* [[2430]] oscilloscope
* [[2432]] digital oscilloscope -- in ring binder --
* [[2432]] digital storage oscilloscope operators manual
* [[2440]] digital oscilloscope -- in ring binder --
* [[2445B]] / [[2455B]] / [[2465B]] / [[2467B]] option 10 instrument interface guide
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 01 DMM option
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 01 DMM option operators
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 01 dmm option
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 05 tv option
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 05 tv option operators
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 05 tv option service
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer operators
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 10 gpib option
* [[2445]] / [[2465]] option 10 gpib option operators
* [[2445]] oscilloscope
* [[2445]] oscilloscope - diagrams only
* [[2445]] oscilloscope operators
* [[2465A]] / [[2455A]] / [[2445A]] option 10 instrument interface guide
* [[2465A]] / [[2455A]] / [[2445A]] oscilloscopes and options operators manual
* [[2465A]] / [[2467]] oscilloscope -- ring bound --
* [[2465]] oscilloscope
* [[2467B]] oscilloscope and options operators
* [[2601]] / [[R2601]] mainframe
* [[26G2]] ramp generator
* [[281]] tdr pulser
* [[282]] probe adaptor
* [[284]] pulse generator
* [[2901]] time - mark generator
* [[291]] diode switching time tester power supply
* [[292]] semiconductor tester power supply
* [[2A60]] amplifier
* [[2A63]] differential amplifier
* [[2B67]] time base
* [[308]] data analyser
* [[310]] / [[310A]] oscilloscopes
* [[314]] storage oscilloscope
* [[317]] oscilloscope
* [[318]] / [[338]] logic analyser operators manual
* [[321A]] oscilloscope sn6000 up
* [[321]] oscilloscope
* [[323]] oscilloscope
* [[326]] dual - trace oscilloscope
* [[335]] oscilloscope
* [[350]] camera attachment
* [[380]] / [[381]] specifications and ordering information
* [[381]] pal test monitor
* [[3A10]] transducer amplifier
* [[3A1]] -- partial original manual, some photocopy pages, all unbound
* [[3A3]] diffential amp
* [[3A5]] automatic / programmable amplifier
* [[3A6]] dual trace amplifier
* [[3A72]] dual trace amplifier
* [[3A75]] amplifier
* [[3A7]] diffrential comparator
* [[3A8]] operational amplifier plug - in unit
* [[3B1]] time base
* [[3B2]] time base
* [[3B3]] / [[3A1]] -- partial manuals, part photocopy in loose folder
* [[3B3]] plug-in -- spiral binding missing --
* [[3B5]] automatic / programmable time base
* [[3L10]] spectrum analyser plug in
* [[3L5]] spectrum analyser plug in
* [[3S1]] dual - trace sampling unit
* [[3S1]] dual trace sampling unit parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[3S2]] sampling unit
* [[3S3]] sampling probe unit
* [[3S5]] programmable sampling unit
* [[3S6]] programmable sampling unit
* [[3S76]] sampling dual trace unit
* [[3S7]] / [[3T7]] tdr system
* [[3T2]] random sampling sweep
* [[3T4]] programmable sampling sweep
* [[3T5]] programmable sampling sweep
* [[3T6]] programmable sampling sweep
* [[3T77A]] sampling sweep unit
* [[3T77]] sampling sweep unit
* [[400]] mediacal recorder with options service
* [[4024]] computer display terminal operators manual
* [[4025]] computer display terminal programmer's reference
* [[4041]] terminal operation / BASIC: getting down to basic
* [[4050]] operation / BASIC: getting down to basics
* [[4050]] series reference manual -- ring bound --
* [[408]] monitor service
* [[410]] physiological monitor
* [[412]] monitor service
* [[413]] portable neonatel montor with options service
* [[414]] portable patient monitor with options
* [[422]] / [[R422]] oscilloscope
* [[422]] / [[R422]] oscilloscope with AC power supply sn20,000 and up
* [[422]] ac-dc power supply
* [[422]] oscilloscope with AC - DC power supply sn20,000 and up
* [[434]] / [[R434]] oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only ---
* [[434]] oscilloscope
* [[434]] oscilloscope (sn b500000 and up)
* [[442]] oscilloscope
* [[453A]]-4 oscillocope
* [[453]] oscilloscope sn100 - 19,999
* [[454A]] / [[R454A]] oscilloscope
* [[454]] / [[R454]] oscilloscope
* [[454]] / [[R454]] oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing --
* [[455]]/A2/B2 portable oscilloscope with options
* [[463]] oscilloscope with options sn 700406 & up
* [[464]] storage oscilloscope with options service
* [[465B]] oscilloscope with options
* [[465B]] oscilloscope with options ( b060000 and up )
* [[465B]] oscilloscope with options ( b060000 and up ) - diagrams only
* [[465B]] oscilloscope with options service
* [[465]] / [[475]] option 7
* [[465]] option 5 supplement
* [[465]] option 7 / [[475]] option 7
* [[465]] oscilloscope
* [[465]] oscilloscope sn b04 up to B24999
* [[465]] oscilloscope with options
* [[465]] oscilloscope with options (sn B250000 & up) service
* [[465]] oscilloscope with options sn b250000 & up
* [[4662]] interactive digital plotter programmers reference manual -- not original binding --
* [[4662]] interactive digital plotter with option 31 -- comb binding missing --
* [[466]] storage oscilloscope with options service
* [[468]] digital storage oscilloscope service volume 1
* [[468]] digital storage oscilloscope service volume 2
* [[475A]] oscilloscope with options
* [[475]] oscilloscope
* [[475]] oscilloscope calibration and diagram suppliment
* [[475]] oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* [[491]] / [[R491]] spectrum analyser
* [[492]] / [[492P]] spectrum analyser service volume 2
* [[494P]] spectrum analyser
* [[494]] / [[494P]] spectrum analyser
* [[4S2]] dual trace sampling unit
* [[5000-series_scopes|5000]] / [[7000-series_scopes|7000]] series application briefs -- in ring binder --
* [[502A]] / [[RM502A]] -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[5030]] dual - beam oscilloscope
* [[5031]] dual - beam storage oscilloscope
* [[503]] oscilloscope
* [[504]] cathode ray oscilloscope
* [[507]] oscilloscope
* [[5103N]] oscilloscope system
* [[5110]] oscilloscope
* [[5111A]] / [[R5111A]] storage oscilloscope engineering instrument specifications
* [[5111A]] / [[R5111A]] storage oscilloscope with options
* [[5111A]] [[R5111A]] storage oscilloscope with options
* [[5111]] storage oscilloscope
* [[5112]] dual beam oscilloscope
* [[5113]] dual beam storage oscilloscope
* [[5115]] storage oscilloscope
* [[512]] cathode ray oscilloscope
* [[513]] cathode ray oscilloscope
* [[514]] cathode ray oscilloscope
* [[515]] / [[515A]] oscilloscope
* [[516]] oscilloscope
* [[517A]] cathode ray oscilloscope
* [[517]] / [[517A]] oscilloscopes
* [[519]] oscilloscope
* [[520A]] ntsc vectorscope
* [[520]] / [[R520]] ntsc vectorscope
* [[521A]] oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[521A]] pal vectorscope
* [[521]] / [[R521]] pal vectorscope
* [[5223]] digitizing oscilloscope operators manual
* [[5223]] digitizing oscilloscope with options ( excluding option 10 )
* [[524]] cathode ray oscilloscope
* [[525]] television waveform monitor
* [[526]] vectorscope
* [[527]] waveform monitor
* [[528A]] television waveform monitor
* [[528]] television waveform monitor
* [[529]] waveform monitor mod 244h,J,L,M,P+Q sn 6000 up
* [[532]] oscilloscope
* [[533]] / [[533A]] oscilloscopes
* [[535A]] / [[545A]] oscilloscope -- unbound, possibly with a full photocopy set of the same --
* [[536]] oscilloscope
* [[5403]] oscilloscope system
* [[541A]] oscilloscope
* [[541A]] oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[543B]] / [[544]] oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[543B]] oscillocope
* [[543]] / [[543A]] oscilloscope
* [[543]] oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[5440]] / [[R5440]] oscilloscope
* [[5440]] oscilloscope
* [[5441]] / [[R5441A]] storage oscilloscope
* [[5441]] storage oscilloscope
* [[544]] oscilloscope
* [[545B]] -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding, no covers --
* [[545B]] oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[546]] oscilloscope
* [[547]] oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[549]] -- parts lists and diagrams only --
* [[549]] oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only --
* [[551]] oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[555]] oscilloscope / 21A / 22A parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
* [[556]] oscilloscope
* [[561A]] oscilloscope
* [[561B]] oscilloscope
* [[564B]] / [[564B]] mod 121N factory calibration procedure -- including partial manuals --
* [[564B]] oscilloscope
* [[565]] oscilloscope
* [[567]] readout oscilloscope
* [[568]] / [[R568]] oscilloscope
* [[570]] oscilloscope
* [[575]] / [[175]] curve tracer -- spiral binding missing --
* [[575]] / [[175]] partial manual including diagrams -- photo copy, unbound --
* [[576]] [[013-0124-00]] integrated circuit adaptor
* [[576]] curve tracer
* [[576]] curve tracer adjustment and performance check procedure
* [[577]] D1 or D2 curve tracer
* [[577]]-[[178]]-D1 linear ic curve tracer
* [[581A]] oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[585A]] oscilloscope
* [[5A13N]] diffential comparator
* [[5A14N]] four channel amplifier
* [[5A15N]] amplifier
* [[5A15N]] amplifier -- covers missing
* [[5A18N]] dual-trace amplifier
* [[5A18]] dual trace amplifier -- comb binding and back cover missing --
* [[5A18]] dual trace amplifier -- comb binding missing --
* [[5A20N]] diffential amplifier
* [[5A21N]] differential amplifier with options
* [[5A22N]] differential amplifier
* [[5A23N]] amplifier
* [[5A24N]] utility unit
* [[5A26]] dual differential amplifier
* [[5A38]] dual trace amplifier
* [[5A45]] single trace amplifier
* [[5A48]] dual trace amplifier
* [[5B10N]] time base -- no covers or bindings --
* [[5B10N]] time base / amplifier
* [[5B10]] time base / amplifier
* [[5B12N]] dual time base
* [[5B12N]] dual time base -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[5B13N]] time base
* [[5B13N]] time base -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[5B25N]] digitizer time base / amplifier operators manual
* [[5B25N]] digitizer time base / amplifier with options
* [[5B31]] digitally delayed time base
* [[5B40]] time base
* [[5B42]] delaying time base
* [[5B44]] dual time base
* [[5D10]] waveform digitizer diagnostic troubleshooting (volume 2)
* [[5D10]] waveform digitizer operators manual
* [[5L4N]] spectrum analyser interim
* [[5S14N]] / [[7S14]] factory calibration procedure
* [[5S14N]] dual trace delayed sweep sampler interim
* [[601]] storage monitor
* [[602]] display unit option 1
* [[603]] / [[604]] monitor
* [[605]] variable persistance storage monitor
* [[608]] monitor with options
* [[611]] storage display unit
* [[613]] storage display unit
* [[631]] picture monitor
* [[633]] picture monitor
* [[634]] monitor with options
* [[647A]] oscilloscope mod 165K
* [[647A]] oscilloscope mod 165K -- un bound --
* [[647]] oscilloscope
* [[650A]] series color picture monitors
* [[650]] Series color monitors
* [[653A]] / [[656A]] color picture monitors
* [[656HR]] color pictur monitor
* [[670A]] / [[671A]] color picture monitors
* [[670A]] color picture monitors set up procedure
* [[670]]-1 series color picture monitors
* [[690SR]] option 02 specifications and ordering information
* [[690SR]] option 11, specifications and ordering information
* [[690SR]] option 42, specifications and ordering information
* [[690SR]] television color monitor
* [[69M41]] RGB / comp sync interface
* [[6R1A]] notes, technical instructions and training
* [[7000-series_scopes|7000]] series, introduction to the switching and logic circuits - company confidential
* [[7104]] oscilloscope with options
* [[7104]] oscilloscope with options operators
* [[7313]] / [[R7313]] oscilloscope with options
* [[7403N]] oscillocope
* [[7504]] oscilloscope
* [[7514]] storage oscilloscope
* [[7603]] / [[R7603]] oscilloscope
* [[7613]] / [[R7613]] storage oscilloscope
* [[7613]] / [[R7613]] storage oscilloscope operators
* [[7623A]] / [[R7623A]] storage oscilloscope with options
* [[7623]] / [[R7623]] storage oscilloscope
* [[7633]] / [[R7633]] storage oscilloscope with options
* [[7704A]] oscilloscope system
* [[7704A]] oscilloscope system - diagrams only
* [[7704A]] oscilloscope system operators
* [[7704]] oscilloscope
* [[7704]] oscilloscope system
* [[7834]] storage oscilloscope with options
* [[7844]] / [[R7844]] dual - beam oscilloscope with options
* [[7854]] application programs -- photo copy, binding & covers missing --
* [[7854]] diagnostic troubleshooting using 067-0911-00 & diagnostic test interface -- ring bound --
* [[7854]] oscilloscope with options
* [[7854]] oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
* [[7854]] test procedures for diagnostic trouble shooting using 067-0911-00 test interface vol1
* [[7854]] test procedures for diagnostic trouble shooting using 067-0911-00 test interface vol2
* [[7854]] test procedures for diagnostic troubleshooting using 067-0911-00 and up, volume 2
* [[7904A]] oscilloscope with options
* [[7904]] oscilloscope
* [[7904]] oscilloscope operators manual ( french )
* [[7904]] oscilloscope sn b260000 - up
* [[7A11]] amplifier
* [[7A12]] dual trace amplifier B01 - B11xxxx
* [[7A13]] amplifier
* [[7A13]] differential comparator sn b200000 - up
* [[7A13]] diffrential comparator sn b010100 - b039999
* [[7A13]] diffrential comparator sn b040000 - up
* [[7A13]] diffrential comparator sn b200000 - up
* [[7A14]] current probe amplifier
* [[7A15A]] / [[7A15AN]] amplifier
* [[7A16A]] amplifier
* [[7A18A]] dual trace amplifier
* [[7A18]] / [[7A18N]] dual trace amplifier
* [[7A19]] amplifier
* [[7A21N]] direct access
* [[7A22]] differential amplifier
* [[7A24]] dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
* [[7A26]] dual trace amplifier
* [[7A29]] amplifier demo support package
* [[7A29]] amplifier with options
* [[7B10]] time base
* [[7B10]] time base operators
* [[7B15]] delaying time base
* [[7B15]] delaying time base operators
* [[7B50A]] time base with options
* [[7B50A]] time base with options operators
* [[7B50]] time base
* [[7B51]] delaying time base
* [[7B52]] dual time base
* [[7B53A]] / [[7B53AN]] dual time base
* [[7B53A]] / [[7B53AN]] dual time base operators
* [[7B53A]] / [[7B53AN]] dual time base option 5
* [[7B53N]] dual time base
* [[7B70]] time base sc B205000 and up
* [[7B71]] delaying time base
* [[7B80]] time base with options
* [[7B80]] time base with options operators
* [[7B85]] delaying time base with options
* [[7B85]] delaying time base with options operators
* [[7B87]] time base with pretrigger acquire clock
* [[7B87]] time base with pretrigger acquire clock includes options
* [[7B92A]] dual time base
* [[7B92A]] dual time base with options operators
* [[7B92]] dual time base
* [[7B92]] dual time base operators
* [[7B92]] dual time base service
* [[7B92]] factory calibration procedure
* [[7D01]] logic analyser ( serial no. b020000 and up ) with options
* [[7D02]] logic analyser operators
* [[7D02]] logic analyser work book -- photo copy --
* [[7D10]] digital events delay with options
* [[7D12]] A/D converter service
* [[7D13]] digital multimeter
* [[7D14]] digital counter s/n b0500000 and up
* [[7D15]] universal counter / timer
* [[7D20]] programmable digitizer operators manual
* [[7L12]] spectrum analyser
* [[7L13]] spectrum analyser
* [[7L14]] spectrum analyser
* [[7L5]] spectrum analyser options
* [[7L5]] spectrum analyser service
* [[7M13]] readout unit
* [[7S11]] sampling unit
* [[7S12]] TDR / sampler sn b020000 - up
* [[7S14]] dual trace delayed sweep sampler
* [[7T11]] sampling sweep unit
* [[82]] plug-in -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[832]] data comm tester with options
* [[:Category:2400 series scopes|2400]] an introduction to digital storage
* [[AA501]] distortion analyzer
* [[AM501]] operational amplifier
* [[AM502]] diffential amplifier
* [[AM503]] current probe amplifier
* [[B]] type parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[B]] type wide band calibrated preamp
* [[C-10]] series cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-28]] camera with options -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-30]] 3 inch cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-31B]] camera
* [[C-31]] camera and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-40]] camera and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-50]] / [[C-51]] / [[C-52]] / [[C-53]] and accessories
* [[C-50]] Camera system [[C-50]] / [[C-51]] / [[C-52]] / [[C-53]] and accessories
* [[C-50]] series cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-58]] camera -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-5A]] camera with options -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-5]] camera -- front piece, binding and back cover missing --
* [[C-5]] camera instruction manual
* [[C-70]] series cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
* [[CG551AP]] programmable calibration generator vol1 with options
* [[CG551AP]] programmable calibration generator vol2 with options
* [[CRS10]] / [[CRS30]] / [[CRS50]] / [[CRS70]] / [[CRS72]] / [[CRS90]] training lab
* [[D10]] single beam display unit
* [[D11]] / [[D15]] single beam storage display unit
* [[D11]] single beam storage display unit parts lists and diagrams
* [[D12]] / [[D13]] dual beam display unit
* [[D40]] single beam display unit
* [[D40]] single beam unit
* [[D41]] single beam storage display unit
* [[D44]] dual beam display unit
* [[DAS9100]] digital analysis system, extended mnemonics workbook
* [[DC5010]] programmable universal counter / timer with options
* [[DC501]] 100Mhz counter
* [[DC501]] factory calibration and inspection procedure
* [[DC502]] 550MHz counter
* [[DC503A]] universal counter / timer with options
* [[DC503A]] universal counter / timer with options ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[DC503]] audit procedure - company confidential
* [[DC503]] universal counter
* [[DC504]] counter / timer
* [[DC505A]] universal counter / timer
* [[DC508]] 1GHz counter sn b020000 - up
* [[DC509]] universal counter / timer with options
* [[DC510]] universal counter / timer with options
* [[DD501]] digital delay
* [[DF1]] display formatter with options
* [[DF2]] display formatter
* [[DL2]] digital latch
* [[DL502]] digital latch
* [[DM43]] - [[DM40]] digitial muiltimeter service
* [[DM44]] digital multimeter demo support package
* [[DM44]] digital multimeter with options
* [[DM501A]] digital muilimeter
* [[DM501A]] digital multimeter ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[DM501]] digital muilimeter
* [[DM501]] factory calibration procedure - company confidential
* [[DM502A]] digital autoranging multimeter
* [[DM502]] digital multimeter
* [[DM505]] factory calibration procedure
* [[E]] type low level diffrential
* [[FG501A]] 2MHz function generator
* [[FG501A]] 2MHz function generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[FG501]] audit procedure
* [[FG501]] function generator
* [[FG502]] function generator
* [[FG503]] function generator
* [[FG503]] function generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[FG504]] 40MHz function generator
* [[FG507]] 2MHz function generator
* [[G]] type wide band diffrential amplifier
* [[H]] plug-in -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
* [[H]] type wide band calibrated preamp
* [[J6523]] 1deg narrow angle luminance probe
* [[K]] type fast - rise calibrated amplifier
* [[L1]] 50-ohm plug-in module
* [[L2]] 75-ohm plug-in module
* [[L3]] plug-in module
* [[LA501W]] logic analyzer operators
* [[LA501]] manual change information
* [[M1]] multi function module with options
* [[M2]] sample / hold module with options
* [[M3]] rms volts module with options
* [[M41A1]] low level amplifier M41A2-A8 thermocouple amplifiers
* [[MICROLAB1]] -- binding missing --
* [[MPF]] microfice product file, customer catalog 1981
* [[MPF]] microfiche product file, customer catalog
* [[MR501]] monitor
* [[NF501]] notch filter -- possibly pre production manual, typed sheets and hand drawings --
* [[N]] type sampling
* [[OF235]] fibre optic time domain reflectometer operators manual
* [[O]] type operational amplifer
* [[P6007]] probe
* [[P6016]] current probe / 131 current probe amplifier passive termination
* [[P6021]] current probe and termination
* [[P6022]] current probe and termination
* [[P6042]] probe
* [[P6045]] probe
* [[P6049A]] probe
* [[P6049B]] probe
* [[P6053A]] probe
* [[P6055]] probe
* [[P6058]] probe
* [[P6058]] probe after june 13, 1973
* [[P6060]] probe
* [[P6062A]] passive probe data sheet
* [[P6062B]] passive probe data sheet
* [[P6063A]] passive probe
* [[P6065A]] probe
* [[P6065]] probe
* [[P6075A]] probe
* [[P6105]] passive probe data sheet
* [[P6131]] 10X passive probe
* [[P6430]] temerature probe
* [[P6451]] data acuisition probe data sheet
* [[P6451]] data acuisition probe instructions
* [[P6601]] tempreature probe
* [[PG501]] pulse generator
* [[PG502]] 250Mhz pulse generator
* [[PG502]] factory calibration and inspection procedure
* [[PG502]] wizard workshop engineering articals -- dyeline, unbound
* [[PG505]] pulse generator
* [[PG506]] calibration generator
* [[PG506]] calibration generator (sn b040000 and up)
* [[PG506]] callibration generator
* [[PG506]] callibration generator ( sn B040000 and up )
* [[PG507]] 50MHz dual output pulse generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[PG508]] 50MHz pulse generator
* [[PM101]] general purpose personality module
* [[PM102]] / [[PM103]] personality module for 6800 / 6802 microprocessors
* [[PS501]] / [[PS501]]-1 / [[PS501]]-2 DC power supply
* [[PS501]] factory calibration and inspection procedure
* [[PS502]] dual tracking power supply
* [[PS503A]] dual power supply
* [[PS503A]] dual power supply ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[PS505]] power supply
* [[P]] type plug - in test unit
* [[R1140]] programmable power supply
* [[R116]] programmable pulse generator
* [[R293]] programmable pulse generator and power supply
* [[R7903]] oscilloscope
* [[RG501]] ramp generator
* [[RM529]] mod 188D waveform monitior above sn 9,500
* [[S1]] sampling head
* [[S2]] sampling head
* [[S3]] sampling head
* [[S4]] sampling head
* [[S51]] trigger countdown head
* [[S52]] pulse generator head
* [[S53]] trigger recognizer head
* [[S54]] pulse generator head
* [[S6]] sampling head
* [[SC502]] oscilloscope
* [[SC503]] 10MHz storage oscilloscope
* [[SC504]] oscilloscope
* [[SG5010]] programmable 160KHz oscillator
* [[SG502]] RC oscillator
* [[SG502]] oscillator
* [[SG503]] leveled sine - wave generator
* [[SG504]] leveled sine wave generator
* [[SG504]] leveled sine wave generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[SG505]] oscillator
* [[SPG11]] / [[SPG12]] pal sync generator modules
* [[SPG13]] pal timing generaotor module
* [[SPG1]] / [[SPG2]] ntsc sync generator modules
* [[SPG3]] ntsc timing generator module
* [[SW503]] sweep generator
* [[S]] type semiconductor diode recovery unit
* [[T912]] 10 MHz storage oscilloscope -- bound in ring folder --
* [[T912]] 10MHz sstorage oscilloscope with options parts list and diagrams
* [[T912]] 10MHz storage oscilloscope
* [[T912]] 10MHz storage oscilloscope with options
* [[T921]] / [[T922]] / [[T922R]] 15MHz oscilloscopes with options
* [[T921]] / [[T922]] 15MHz portable oscilloscope
* [[T922R]] oscilloscope with options
* [[T932A]] / [[T935A]] 35MHz portable oscilloscope
* [[T932]] / [[T935]] 35MHz portable oscilloscope
* [[TG501]] time mark generator
* [[TM5000]] programming refrence insstrument control and i/o aug 1981 - wall poster -
* [[TM5006]] power module ( francais deutsch japan )
* [[TM500]] mainframe test procedure
* [[TM500]] modular test and measurement system - brochure
* [[TM500]] power module tester and utility power supply construction note
* [[TM500]] series rear interface data book
* [[TM501]] power module
* [[TM503]] power module
* [[TM504]] power module
* [[TM506]] / [[RTM506]] power module
* [[TM506]] power module
* [[TM515]] five compartment portable power module
* [[TR501]] tracking generator
* [[TR502]] tracking generator
* [[TSG11]] pal colour bar test signal generator module
* [[TSG13]] pal linarity test signal generator module
* [[TSG14]] pal black burst test signal generator module
* [[TSG16]] pal multiburst and video sweeo test signal generator module
* [[TSG1]] ntsc colr bar test signal generator module
* [[TSG2]] ntsc convergence pattern test signal generator module sn b020470 - up
* [[TSG3]] ntsc linearity test signal generator module
* [[TSG4]] ntsc black burst test signal generator module
* [[TSG5]] ntsc pulse & bar test signal generator module
* [[TSG7]] smpte colr bars generator module
* [[T]] type time base generator
* [[Telequipment_B]] / [[Telequipment_C]] plug-in amplifiers ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_C3]] calibrator ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_C3]] calibrator ( telequipment branded ) -- photo copy, unbound --
* [[Telequipment_CT71]] curve tracer ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D1010]] / [[Telequipment_D1011]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D1015]] / [[Telequipment_D1016]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D31]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D43]] / [[Telequipment_D43R]] oscilloscope prior to sn 70,000 ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D43]] laboritory oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D61]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D65]] / [[Telequipment_D66]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D65]] calibration procedure
* [[Telequipment_D65]] inspection procedure
* [[Telequipment_D66A]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D67A]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D67]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_D75]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_DM51]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_DM64]] storage oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_DM64]] storage oscilloscope ( telequipment branded ) -- photo copy --
* [[Telequipment_K]] plug-in amplifier ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_S54A]] / [[Telequipment_S54AR]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[Telequipment_S61]] oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* [[WR501]] word recognizer / delay
* [[WSEN]] camera writing speed enhanser
* [[W]] type high gain diffrential comparator
* [[Z]] type calibrated diffrential comparator
* a fully programmable digital storage plug-in for tek 7000 series oscilloscopes
* accessories guide 1984
* annual report, 41st year, may 30, 1987
* automatic monitoring of video signals at transcoding locations, TV app note 32
* basic oscilloscope operation
* basic video system testing, TV app note 35
* bistable storage applications
* calibration and repair services, instrumentation product services and price list 1988 -- unbound --
* calibration fixture catalog 1983
* calibration fixtures 1971, catalog
* calibration fixtures 1980, catalog
* calibration fixtures catalog 1971
* carrier / noise measurements without math for cctv
* chroma circuit troubleshooting
* circuit concepts, automated testing systems -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, digital concepts -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, horizontal amplifier circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, measurement concepts -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, oscilloscope probe circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, oscilloscope trigger circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, power supply circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, sampling oscilloscope circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, storage cathode-ray tubes and circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, sweep generator circuits -- book bound --
* circuit concepts, television waveform processing circuits -- book bound --
* component news issue 337 june 1987
* component news issue 338 july 1987
* current source and misc dwgs -- looks like an internal project ? --
* data for pricing service, dec 1983 -- internal document --
* digital concepts quizzes -- photo copy, unbound --
* digital storage oscilloscopes in biomedical research
* essential of data communications
* firm service prices on over 500 products, jan 1984
* frequency response testing using the sin x/x test signal, TV app note 31
* handshake vol 4 no 4 fall/winter 1979
* handshake vol 8 no 2 fall/winter 1983
* hotlines vol4 no 3 december 1987
* ieee-488 system instruments 1981
* instument price list jan 1965
* international service capabilities
* introduction to the 7000 series scale factor readout
* junction functions, semiconductor theory and circuit analysis
* logic analyzer concepts
* logistics data book, second edition
* long term product support information for all tek products jan 1986 -- company confidential
* looking at VITS, application note
* lubrication kit instructions
* measurement concepts, television systems -- book bound --
* measuring distortions in television signal
* microfiche reference manual 1984
* microfiche reference manual 1987
* noise measurements using the spectrum analyzer, part 1, random noise
* noise measurements using the spectrum analyzer, part 2, impulse noise
* operational amplifiers and their applications
* oscilloscope camera concepts -- book bound, spine glue damaged --
* oscilloscope camera system 5 inch cameras and accessories
* parts catalog 1 - integrated circuits jan 1984 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 1 - integrated circuits jan 1987 -- ring bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 2 - mechanical jun 1983 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 3 - materials mar 1980 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 3 - materials may 1984 -- ring bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 4 - electromechanical jan 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 4 - electromechanical mar 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors dec 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors jul 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 6 - wire, insulation & power supplies dec 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 6 - wire, insulation & power supplies mar 1983 -- book bound -- company confidential
* parts catalog 8 - transistors diodes & msc mar 1986 -- ring bound -- company confidential
* peak to peak detector & monitor, primary electrical standards
* plot 50 introduction to graphics programming in basic
* principles of storage scopes and tubes
* product catalog 1968
* product catalog 1969
* product catalog 1970
* product catalog 1974
* product catalog 1975
* product catalog 1976
* product catalog 1977
* product catalog 1978
* product catalog 1979
* product catalog 1979
* product catalog 1981
* product catalog 1982
* product catalog 1983
* product catalog 1989
* product catalog television 1980
* semiconductor diodes and transistors, programmed instructions, vol 6 ref for vol 1-3
* semiconductor diodes and transistors, programmed instructions, vol 7 ref for vol 4-5
* service scope index october 1959 - 1975 -- unbound photo copy --
* service scope number 1 october 1959
* service scope number 10 october 1961
* service scope number 12 febuary 1962
* service scope number 13 april 1962
* service scope number 14 june 1962
* service scope number 15 august 1962
* service scope number 16 october 1962
* service scope number 17 december 1962 - photo copy
* service scope number 18 febuary 1963
* service scope number 19 april 1963
* service scope number 2 january 1960
* service scope number 20 june 1963
* service scope number 21 august 1963
* service scope number 22 october 1963
* service scope number 23 december 1963
* service scope number 24 febuary 1964
* service scope number 25 april 1964
* service scope number 26 june 1964
* service scope number 27 august 1964
* service scope number 28 october 1964
* service scope number 29 december 1964
* service scope number 3 august 1960
* service scope number 30 febuary 1965
* service scope number 31 april 1965
* service scope number 32 june 1965
* service scope number 33 august 1965
* service scope number 34 october 1965
* service scope number 35 december 1965
* service scope number 36 febuary 1966
* service scope number 37 april 1966
* service scope number 38 june 1966
* service scope number 39 august 1966
* service scope number 4 december 1960
* service scope number 40 october 1966
* service scope number 41 december 1966
* service scope number 42 febuary 1967
* service scope number 43 april 1967
* service scope number 44 june 1967
* service scope number 45 august 1967
* service scope number 46 october 1967
* service scope number 47 december 1967
* service scope number 48 feb 1968
* service scope number 49 april 1968
* service scope number 5 august 1960
* service scope number 50 june 1968
* service scope number 51 august 1968
* service scope number 52 october 1968
* service scope number 53 december 1968
* service scope number 6 febuary 1961
* service scope number 7 april 1961
* service scope number 8 june 1961
* service scope number 9 august 1961
* service scope reprint, a practical approach to transistor and vacuum tube amplifiers
* service tek notes, issue 57 november 1989
* t&m stock book? -- possibly a departmental library catalog? -- unbound
* tekscope august 1969
* tekscope july 1972
* tekscope volume 12 number 2 1980
* tekscope volume 12 number 3 1980
* tekscope volume 3 number 4
* tekscope volume 6 number 1 mar/apr 1975
* tekscope volume 8 number 4 1976
* tektronix accessories: engineered as the perfect compliment to instruments -- catalog --
* television products application note 22, a simple color background generator,
* television products application note 24, a simple color background generator,
* the XYZs of using a scope
* the random sampling oscilloscope
* troubleshooting the color TV power supply, application note
* variable persistence storage applications
* video concepts, introduction basic television system requirements -- unbound --

*a fully programmable digital storage plug-in for tek 7000 series oscilloscopes
*accessories guide 1984
*annual report, 41st year, may 30, 1987
*automatic monitoring of video signals at transcoding locations, TV app note 32
*basic oscilloscope operation
*basic video system testing, TV app note 35
*bistable storage applications
*calibration and repair services, instrumentation product services and price list 1988 -- unbound --
*calibration fixture catalog 1983
*calibration fixtures 1971, catalog
*calibration fixtures 1980, catalog
*calibration fixtures catalog 1971
*carrier / noise measurements without math for cctv
*chroma circuit troubleshooting
*circuit concepts, automated testing systems -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, digital concepts -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, digital concepts -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, digital concepts -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, digital concepts -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, horizontal amplifier circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, measurement concepts -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, oscilloscope probe circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, oscilloscope trigger circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, power supply circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, power supply circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, sampling oscilloscope circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, storage cathode-ray tubes and circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, sweep generator circuits -- book bound --
*circuit concepts, television waveform processing circuits -- book bound --
*component news issue 337 june 1987
*component news issue 338 july 1987
*current source and misc dwgs -- looks like an internal project ? --
*data for pricing service, dec 1983 -- internal document --
*digital concepts quizzes -- photo copy, unbound --
*digital storage oscilloscopes in biomedical research
*essential of data communications
*firm service prices on over 500 products, jan 1984
*frequency response testing using the sin x/x test signal, TV app note 31
*handshake vol 4 no 4 fall/winter 1979
*handshake vol 8 no 2 fall/winter 1983
*hotlines vol4 no 3 december 1987
*instument price list jan 1965
*international service capabilities
*introduction to the 7000 series scale factor readout
*junction functions, semiconductor theory and circuit analysis
*logic analyzer concepts
*logistics data book, second edition
*long term product support information for all tek products jan 1986 -- company confidential
*looking at VITS, application note
*lubrication kit instructions
*measurement concepts, television systems -- book bound --
*measuring distortions in television signal
*microfiche reference manual 1984
*microfiche reference manual 1987
*MPF microfiche product file, customer catalog
*noise measurements using the spectrum analyzer, part 1, random noise
*noise measurements using the spectrum analyzer, part 2, impulse noise
*operational amplifiers and their applications
*operational amplifiers and their applications
*oscilloscope camera concepts -- book bound, spine glue damaged --
*Parts Catalog 1 - integrated circuits jan 1984 -- book bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 1 - integrated circuits jan 1987 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 2 - mechanical jun 1983 -- book bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 3 - materials mar 1980 -- book bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 3 - materials may 1984 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 4 - electromechanical jan 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 4 - electromechanical mar 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors dec 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors jul 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors jul 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*Parts Catalog 6 - wire, insulation & power supplies dec 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
*  *Parts Catalog 6 - wire, insulation & power supplies mar 1983 -- book bound -- company confidential
*  *Parts Catalog 8 - transistors diodes & msc mar 1986 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*  *Parts Catalog 8 - transistors diodes & msc mar 1986 -- ring bound -- company confidential
*  *peak to peak detector & monitor, primary electrical standards
*plot 50 introduction to graphics programming in basic
*plot 50 introduction to graphics programming in basic
*plot 50 introduction to graphics programming in basic         
*principles of storage scopes and tubes
*principles of storage scopes and tubes
*product catalog 1979
*product catalog television 1980
*product catalog 1968
*product catalog 1969
*product catalog 1970
*product catalog 1974
*product catalog 1975
*product catalog 1976
*product catalog 1977
*product catalog 1978
*product catalog 1979
*product catalog 1981
*product catalog 1982
*product catalog 1983
*  *product catalog 1989
*  *semiconductor diodes and transistors, programmed instructions, vol 6 ref for vol 1-3
*  *semiconductor diodes and transistors, programmed instructions, vol 7 ref for vol 4-5
*  *service scope index october 1959 - 1975  -- unbound photo copy --
*  *service scope number 1 october 1959
*  *service scope number 10 october 1961
*  *service scope number 12 febuary 1962
*  *service scope number 13 april 1962
*  *service scope number 14 june 1962
*  *service scope number 15 august 1962
*  *service scope number 16 october 1962
*  *service scope number 17 december 1962 - photo copy
*  *service scope number 18 febuary 1963
*  *service scope number 19 april 1963
*  *service scope number 2 january 1960
*service scope number 20 june 1963
*service scope number 21 august 1963
*service scope number 22 october 1963
*service scope number 23 december 1963
*service scope number 24 febuary 1964
*service scope number 25 april 1964
*service scope number 26 june 1964
*service scope number 27 august 1964
*service scope number 28 october 1964
*service scope number 29 december 1964
*service scope number 3 august 1960
*  *service scope number 30 febuary 1965
*  *service scope number 31 april 1965
*  *service scope number 32 june 1965
*  *service scope number 33 august 1965
*  *service scope number 34 october 1965
*  *service scope number 35 december 1965
*  *service scope number 36 febuary 1966
*  *service scope number 37 april 1966
*  *service scope number 38 june 1966
*  *service scope number 39 august 1966
*  *service scope number 4 december 1960
*  *service scope number 40 october 1966
*  *service scope number 41 december 1966
*  *service scope number 42 febuary 1967
*  *service scope number 43 april 1967
*  *service scope number 44 june 1967
*  *service scope number 45 august 1967
*  *service scope number 46 october 1967
*  *service scope number 47 december 1967
*  *service scope number 48 feb 1968
*  *service scope number 49 april 1968
*  *service scope number 5 august 1960
*  *service scope number 50 june 1968
*  *service scope number 51 august 1968
*  *service scope number 52 october 1968
*  *service scope number 53 december 1968
*  *service scope number 6 febuary 1961
*  *service scope number 7 april 1961
*  *service scope number 8 june 1961
*  *service scope number 9 august 1961
*  *service scope reprint, a practical approach to transistor and vacuum tube amplifiers
*  *service tek notes, issue 57 november 1989
*  *T & M stock book? -- possibly a departmental library catalog? -- unbound
*  *tekscope august 1969
*  *tekscope july 1972
*  *tekscope volume 12 number 2 1980
*  *tekscope volume 12 number 3 1980
*  *tekscope volume 3 number 4
*  *tekscope volume 6 number 1 mar/apr 1975
*  *tekscope volume 8 number 4 1976
*  *Tektronix accessories: engineered as the perfect compliment to instruments -- catalog --
*  *television products application note 22, a simple color background generator,
*television products application note 24, a simple color background generator,
*the random sampling oscilloscope
*the XYZs of using a scope
*troubleshooting the color TV power supply, application note
*variable persistence storage applications
*video concepts, introduction basic television system requirements  -- unbound --
*  015-0149-00 75 - ohm return loss bridge
*  015-0239-01 remote monitor unit 015-0240-01 remote control unit
*  015-0239-01 remote monitor unit 015-0240-01 remote control unit
*  015-0407-00 subcarrier harmonic rejection filter
*  015-0408-00 peak - to - peak detector amplifier
*  016-0072-00 ac power supply
*  067-0500-00 calibration fixture crt deflection capacitance normalizer
* 067-0502-00 calibration fixture standard amplitude calibrator
* 067-0502-00 calibration fixture standard amplitude calibrator
* 067-0502-00 calibration fixture, factory calibration procedure
* 067-0502-01 calibration fixture amplitude calibrator and comparator
* 067-0502-01 calibration fixture amplitude calibrator and comparator
* 067-0502-01 calibration fixture amplitude calibrator and comparator
* 067-0502-01 calibration fixture amplitude calibrator and comparator
* 067-0508-00 calibration fixture 50 ohm amplitude calibrator
* 067-0508-00 calibration fixture 50 ohm amplitude calibrator
* 067-0521-00 calibration fixture load pulser for 530 / 540 / 550 series
* 067-0521-00 calibration fixture load pulser for 530 / 540 / 550 series
* 067-0521-01 calibration fixture load pulser for 530 - 540 -550 series
* 067-0532-00  change notice aug 73
* 067-0532-00 -- diagrams only, unbound photo copy --
* 067-0532-00 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* 067-0532-00 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* 067-0532-00 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* 067-0532-00 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* 067-0532-00 hf constant amplitude signal generator factory calibration procedure and diagram
* 067-0532-01 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* 067-0532-01 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
* 067-0542-99 sine wave generator
* 067-0542-99 sine wave generator
* 067-0542-99 sine wave generator
* 067-0543-99 dc voltage bride calibration fixture factory calibration and inspection procedure
* 067-0543-99 dc voltage bride calibration fixture factory calibration procedure and diagram
* 067-0543-99 dc voltage bride calibration fixture parts list and diagram
* 067-0543-99 dc voltage bridge
* 067-0546-00 ntsc vectorscope test unit / 067-0570-00 pal vector scope test unit
* 067-0587-00 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-00 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-01 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-01 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
* 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
* 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
* 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
* 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
* 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
* 067-0587-02 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-02 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-02 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0587-02 calibration fixture signal standardizer
* 067-0588-99 power supply checker
* 067-0599-00 calibration fixture 576 calibration unit
* 067-0599-00 calibration fixture 576 calibration unit
* 067-0601-00 calibration fixture video test signal generator
* 067-0601-00 calibration fixture video test signal generator
* 067-0601-00 calibration fixture video test signal generator
* 067-0601-00 calibration fixture video test signal generator
* 067-0601-00 television test signal generator factory calibration procedure
* 067-0601-00 television test signal generator factory calibration procedure
* 067-0605-99 knob readout exerciser
* 067-0608-00 calibration fixture overdrive recovery
* 067-0608-00 calibration fixture overdrive recovery
* 067-0608-00 calibration fixture overdrive recovery
* 067-0657-00 calibration fixture normalized ramp generator
* 067-0659-00 calibration fixture logic card extender
* 067-0680-00 calibration fixture normalizer
* 067-0680-00 calibration fixture normalizer
* 067-0690-00 calibration fixture high resolution test generator
* 067-0700-00 7D12 calibration fixture
* 067-0722-00 digital demo aid
* 067-0791-99 digital test unit
* 067-0938-00 calibration fixture passive notch filter
* 067-0961-00 diagnostic memory board  -- binding missing --
* 067-0995-99 plug - in test load
* 067-1012-99 6802 demo aid
* 067-1039-00 pattern generator
* 067-1066-00 calibration fixture ( ridged extender board )  -- unbound --
* 067-1178-99 input c calibration fixture -- photo copy --
* 067-1201-99 TM500 power module tester and utility power supply
* 067-542-99 low frequency sinewave generator -- circuit diagrams only, A3 dyeline --
* 067-542-99 low frequency sinewave generator -- circuit diagrams only, A3 dyeline --
* 067-542-99 low frequency sinewave generator -- circuit diagrams only, A3 dyeline --
* 067-542-99 low frequency sinewave generator -- parts list only --
* 105 square - wave generator
* 106 square - wave generator
* 106 square - wave generator
* 106 square - wave generator
* 106 square - wave generator
* 109 pulse generator
* 109 pulse generator
* 10A2A dual trace amplifier
* 1106 power supply / 465 option 7 / 475 option 7  -- no binding  --
* 111 pretrigger pulse generator
* 111 pretrigger pulse generator
* 11301 / 11302 preliminary service information
* 11301 / 11302 programmable oscilloscope users refererence preliminary
* 114 pulse generator
* 11401 / 11402 digitizing oscilloscope users reference manual
* 11401 / 11402 digitizing oscilloscope users reference manual -- ring bound --
* 11B2A time base
* 11B2A time base plug - in
* 11B2A time base plug - in unit mod 165K -- UNBOUND --
* 130 L/C meter
* 130 L/C meter
* 134 current probe amplifier p6019 / p6020 probes
* 1401 spectrum analyzer module
* 1405 / 1405 option 01 television sideband adaptor -- flier --
* 1405 tv sideband adapter
* 1410 ntsc generator with options
* 1410 ntsc generator with options sn b010135 and up
* 1411 pal generator with options
* 141A / R141A mod 703z (k1f) modification insert supplement to standard manual
* 141A / R141A pal test signal generator
* 1420 / 1424 specifications and ordering information
* 1420 ntsc vectorscope
* 1421 pal vectorscope
* 143 secam test signal generator
* 1430 random noise measuring set
* 144 / R144 ntsc test signal generator
* 145 pal gen lock test signal generator
* 1450 - 3 television demodulator
* 1450-2 television demodulator
* 1450-3 television demodulator
* 1460 automatic video corrector
* 1461 insertion test signal generator delete / inserter
* 1470 ntsc cctv color sync & test signal generator
* 1474 ntsc cctv color sync generator
* 1478 calibrated chrominance level corrector
* 147A / 149A ntsc test signal generator
* 148 / R148 mod 950 a / b
* 148 insertion test signal generator  ---  binding missing ---
* 1480 series waveform / vector monitors
* 1501 TDR
* 1502 / 1503 time domain reflectometers water tight sealing procedures
* 1502 performance check and calibtation -- partial manual. Unbound
* 1502 time domain reflectometer
* 1502B matallic time domain reflectometer
* 1503 time domain reflectometer
* 1503B matalic time domain reflectometer
* 172 proggramable test fixture
* 1740 series waveform / vector monitors
* 1750 series waveform / vector monitors
* 176 pulsed high current fixture
* 177 standard test fixture
* 184 time - mark generator
* 184 time - mark generator
*  190A / 190B sine wave generator
*  191 constant amplitude signal generator
*  1A1 dual - trace plug - in sn 20000 -- up
*  1A2 sampling unit
*  1A4 four channel amplifier
*  1A5 differential amplifier plug - in unit
*  1A6 differential amplifier
*  1A7A differential amplifier
*  1L5 spectrum analyzer
*  1S2 sampling unit sn 1990 up
*  200-1 scope mobile  -- binding & covers missing --
*  200-1B scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  201-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  201-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  202-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  202-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  203-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  204-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
*  208 storage monitor operators
*  208 storage monitor with options
*  21 calculator operators manual
*  2101 pulse generator
*  211 oscilloscope maintanace
*  212 oscilloscope
*  213 DMM oscilloscope with options
*  214 storage oscilloscope
*  214 storage oscilloscope
*  221 oscilloscope
*  2213 oscilloscope
*  2215 oscilloscope
*  2225 oscilloscope
*  2225 oscilloscope
*  2225 oscilloscope and options operators manual
*  2335 oscilloscope
*  2335 oscilloscope
*  2336 oscilloscope
* 2336 oscilloscope
* 2337 oscilloscope
* 2337 oscilloscope
* 2400 an introduction to digital storage
* 2430 digital oscilloscope
* 2430 digital oscilloscope
* 2430 digital oscilloscope operators
* 2430 oscilloscope
* 2430a - brochure
* 2430a - brochure
* 2430A digital oscilloscope
* 2430A digital oscilloscope operators manual
* 2430A digital oscilloscope operators manual
* 2430A digital storage concepts
* 2432 digital oscilloscope  -- in ring binder --
* 2432 digital storage oscilloscope operators manual
* 2440 digital oscilloscope  -- in ring binder --
* 2445 / 2465 option 01 DMM option
* 2445 / 2465 option 01 dmm option
* 2445 / 2465 option 01 DMM option operators
* 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option
* 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option
* 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option operators
* 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option operators
* 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option service
* 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option service
* 2445 / 2465 option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer
* 2445 / 2465 option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer
* 2445 / 2465 option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer operators
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
* 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option operators
* 2445 oscilloscope
* 2445 oscilloscope
* 2445 oscilloscope
* 2445 oscilloscope
* 2445 oscilloscope - diagrams only
* 2445 oscilloscope operators
* 2445B / 2455B / 2465B /  2467B option 10 instrument interface guide
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465 oscilloscope
* 2465A / 2455A / 2445A option 10 instrument interface guide
* 2465A / 2455A / 2445A oscilloscopes and options operators manual
* 2465A / 2476 oscilloscope -- ring bound --
* 2467B oscilloscope and options operators
* 2601 / R2601 mainframe
* 26G2 ramp generator
* 281 tdr pulser
* 282 probe adaptor
* 284 pulse generator
* 284 pulse generator
* 284 pulse generator
* 2901 time - mark generator
* 2901 time - mark generator
* 291diode switching time tester power supply
* 292 semiconductor tester power supply
* 2A60 amplifier
* 2A63 differential amplifier
* 2B67 time base
* 308 data analyser
* 308 data analyser
* 310 / 310A oscilloscopes
* 314 storage oscilloscope
* 317 oscilloscope
* 318 / 338 logic analyser operators manual
* 321 oscilloscope
* 321A oscilloscope sn6000 up
* 323 oscilloscope
* 326 dual - trace oscilloscope
* 335 oscilloscope
* 350 camera attachment
* 380 / 381 specifications and ordering information
* 381 pal test monitor
* 3A1 -- partial origonal manual, some photocopy pages, all unbound
* 3A10 transducer amplifier
* 3A3 diffential amp
* 3A5 automatic / programmable amplifier
* 3A6 dual trace amplifier
* 3A7 diffrential comparator
* 3A72 dual trace amplifier
* 3A75 amplifier
* 3A8 operational amplifier plug - in unit
* 3B1 time base
* 3B2 time base
* 3B3 / 3A1 -- partial manuals, part photocopy in loose folder
* 3B3 plug-In  -- spiral binding missing  --
* 3B5 automatic / programmable time base
* 3L10 spectrum analyser plug in
* 3L5 spectrum analyser plug in
* 3S1 dual - trace sampling unit
* 3S1 dual - trace sampling unit
* 3S1 dual trace sampling unit parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 3S2 sampling unit
* 3S3 sampling probe unit
* 3S5 programmable sampling unit
* 3S6 programmable sampling unit
* 3S7 / 3T7 tdr system
* 3S76 sampling dual trace unit
* 3T2 random sampling sweep
* 3T4 programmable sampling sweep
* 3T5 programmable sampling sweep
* 3T6 programmable sampling sweep
* 3T77 sampling sweep unit
* 3T77A sampling sweep unit
* 400 mediacal recorder with options service
* 4024 computer display terminal operators manual
* 4025 cmputer display terminal programmer's reference
* 4041 terminal operation / BASIC: getting down to basic
* 4041 terminal operation / BASIC: getting down to basic
* 4050 operation / BASIC: getting down to basics
* 4050 series reference manual -- ring bound --
* 408 monitor service
* 410 physilogical monitor
* 412 monitor service
* 413 portable neonatel montor with options service
* 414 portable patient monitor with options
* 422 / R422 oscilloscope
* 422 / R422 oscilloscope with AC poer supply sn20,000 and up
* 422 / R422 oscilloscope with AC power supply sn20,000 and up
* 422 ac-dc power supply
* 422 ac-dc power supply
* 422 oscilloscope with AC - DC power supply sn20,000 and up
* 434 / R434 oscilloscope  -- parts lists and diagrams only ---
* 434 oscilloscope
* 434 oscilloscope
* 434 oscilloscope (sn b500000 and up)
* 442 oscilloscope
* 453 oscilloscope sn100 - 19,999
* 453A-4 oscillocope
* 454 / R454 oscilloscope
* 454 / R454 oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing --
* 454A / R454A oscilloscope
* 455/A2/B2 portable oscilloscope with options
* 463 oscilloscope with options sn 700406 & up
* 464 storage oscilloscope with options service
* 465 / 475 option 7
* 465 option 5 supplement
* 465 option 5 supplement
* 465 option 7 / 475 option 7
* 465 oscilloscope
* 465 oscilloscope
* 465 oscilloscope
*  465 oscilloscope
* 465 oscilloscope sn b04 up to B24999
* 465 oscilloscope with options 
* 465 oscilloscope with options (sn B250000 & up) service
* 465 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 & up
* 465 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 & up
* 465 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 & up
* 465 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 & up
* 465B oscilloscope with options
* 465B osciloscope with options
* 465B osciloscope with options ( b060000 and up )
* 465B osciloscope with options ( b060000 and up )
* 465B osciloscope with options ( b060000 and up ) - diagrams only
* 465B osciloscope with options service
* 466 storage oscilloscope with options service
* 4662 interactive digital plotter programmers reference manual -- not origonal binding --
* 4662 interactive digital plotter with option 31  -- comb binding missing --
* 468 digital storage oscilloscope service volume 1
* 468 digital storage oscilloscope service volume 2
* 475 oscilloscope
* 475 oscilloscope calibration and diagram suppliment
* 475 oscilloscope calibration and diagram suppliment
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
* 475A oscilloscope with options
* 475A oscilloscope with options
* 475A oscilloscope with options
* 475A oscilloscope with options
* 475A oscilloscope with options
* 491 / R491 spectrum analyser
* 492  / 492P spectrum analyser service volume 2
* 494 / 494P spectrum analyser
* 494P spectrum analyser
* 4S2 dual trace sampling unit
* 5000 / 7000 series application briefs -- in ring binder  --
* 5021A oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 502A / RM502A -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* 503 oscilloscope
* 5030 dual - beam oscilloscope
* 5031 dual - beam storage oscilloscope
* 504 cathode ray oscilloscope
* 507 oscilloscope
* 5103N oscilloscope system
* 5103N oscilloscope system
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5110 oscilloscope
* 5111 storage oscilloscope
* 5111 storage oscilloscope
* 5111 storage oscilloscope
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope engineering instrument specifications
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5111A R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
* 5112 dual beam oscilloscope
* 5112 dual beam oscilloscope
* 5113 dual beam storage oscilloscope
* 5113 dual beam storage oscilloscope
* 5113 dual beam storage oscilloscope
* 5115 storage oscilloscope
* 5115 storage oscilloscope
* 5115 storage oscilloscope
* 512 cathode ray oscilloscope
* 513 cathode ray oscilloscope
* 514 cathode ray oscilloscope
* 515 / 515A oscilloscope
* 516 oscilloscope
* 517 / 517A oscilloscopes
* 517A cathode ray oscilloscope
* 519 oscilloscope
* 520 / R520 ntsc vectorscope
* 520A ntsc vectorscope
* 521 / R521 pal vectorscope
* 521A pal vectorscope
* 521A pal vectorscope
* 5223 digitizing oscilloscope operators manual
* 5223 digitizing oscilloscope with options ( excluding option 10 )
* 524 cathode ray oscilloscope
* 525 television waveform monitor
* 526 vectorscope
* 527 waveform monitor
* 528 television waveform monitor
* 528A television waveform monitor
* 529 waveform monitor mod 244h,J,L,M,P+Q sn 6000 up
* 532 oscilloscope
* 533 / 533A oscilloscopes
* 535A 545A oscilloscope  -- ubbound, possibly with a full photocopy set of the same --
* 536 oscilloscope
* 5403 oscilloscope system
* 5403 oscilloscope system
* 541A oscilloscope
* 541A oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 543 / 543A oscilloscope
* 543 oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 543B / 544 oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 543B oscillocope
* 543B oscillocope
* 544 oscilloscope
* 5440 / R5440 oscilloscope
* 5440 / R5440 oscilloscope
* 5440 oscilloscope
* 5441 / R5441A storage oscilloscope
* 5441 storage oscilloscope
* 5441 storage oscilloscope
* 545B -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding, no covers --
* 545B oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 546 oscilloscope
* 547 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* 549 -- parts lists and diagrams only --
* 549 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only --
* 551 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* 555 oscilloscope / 21A / 22A parts lists and diagrams -- not origonal binding, covers missing--
* 556 oscilloscope
* 561A oscilloscope
* 561B oscilloscope
* 564B / 564B mod 121N factory calibration procedure  -- including partial manuals --
* 564B oscilloscope
* 565 oscilloscope
* 567 readout oscilloscope
* 568 / R568 oscilloscope
* 570 oscilloscope
* 575 / 175 curve tracer -- spiral binding missing --
* 575 / 175 partial manual including diagrams -- photo copy, unbound --
* 576 013-0124-00 integrated circuit adaptor
* 576 curve tracer 
* 576 curve tracer adjustment and performance check procedure
* 577 D1 or D2 curve tracer
* 577-178-D1 linear ic curve tracer
* 581A oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* 585A oscilloscope
* 5A13N diffential comparator
* 5A14N four channel amplifier
* 5A14N four channel amplifier
* 5A14N four channel amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier
* 5A15N amplifier  -- covers missing
* 5A18 dual trace amplifier -- comb binding and back cover missing --
* 5A18 dual trace amplifier -- comb binding missing --
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
* 5A20N diffential amplifier
* 5A21N differential amplifier with options
* 5A21N differential amplifier with options
* 5A21N differential amplifier with options
* 5A21N differential amplifier with options
* 5A22N differential amplifier
* 5A22N differential amplifier
* 5A22N differential amplifier
* 5A22N differential amplifier
* 5A22N differential amplifier
* 5A23N amplifier
* 5A23N amplifier
* 5A23N amplifier
* 5A23N amplifier
* 5A24N utility unit
* 5A24N utility unit
* 5A26 dual differential amplifier
* 5A26 dual differential amplifier
* 5A26 dual differential amplifier
* 5A26 dual differential amplifier
* 5A38 dual trace amplifier
* 5A38 dual trace amplifier
* 5A38 dual trace amplifier
* 5A45 single trace amplifier
* 5A48 dual trace amplifier
* 5A48 dual trace amplifier
* 5A48 dual trace amplifier
* 5A48 dual trace amplifier
* 5A48 dual trace amplifier
* 5A48 dual trace amplifier
* 5B10 time base / amplifier
* 5B10 time base / amplifier
* 5B10 time base / amplifier
* 5B10N time base -- no covers or bindings --
* 5B10N time base / amplifier
* 5B10N time base / amplifier
* 5B10N time base / amplifier
* 5B12N dual time base
* 5B12N dual time base
* 5B12N dual time base
* 5B12N dual time base  -- binding and back cover missing --
* 5B13N time base
* 5B13N time base
* 5B13N time base
* 5B13N time base  -- binding and back cover missing --
* 5B25N digitizer time base / amplifier operators manual
* 5B25N digitizer time base / amplifier with options
* 5B31 digitally delayed time base
* 5B40 time base
* 5B40 time base
* 5B40 time base
* 5B40 time base
* 5B42 delaying time base
* 5B42 delaying time base
* 5B42 delaying time base
* 5B42 delaying time base
* 5B42 delaying time base
* 5B44 dual time base
* 5D10 waveform digitizer diagnostic troubleshooting (volume 2)
* 5D10 waveform digitizer operators manual
* 5L4N spectrum analyser interim
* 5S14N / 7S14 factory calibration procedure
* 5S14N dual trace delayed sweep sampler interim
* 601 storage monitor
* 602 display unit option 1
* 603 / 604 monitor
* 605 variable persistance storage monitor
* 608 monitor with options
* 611 storage display unit
* 613 storage display unit
* 631 picture monitor
* 633 picture monitor
* 634 monitor with options
* 647 oscilloscope
* 647A oscilloscope mod 165K
* 647A oscilloscope mod 165K    -- un bound --
* 650A-series color picture monitors
* 650-Series color monitors
* 653A / 656A color picture monitors
* 656HR color pictur monitor
* 670-1 series color picture monitors
* 670A / 671A color picture monitors
* 670A color picture monitors set up procedure
* 690SR option 02 specifications and ordering information
* 690SR option 11, specifications and ordering information
* 690SR option 42, specifications and ordering information
* 690SR television color monitor
* 69M41 RGB / comp sync interface
* 6R1A notes, technical instructions and training
* 7000 series, introduction to the switching and logic circuits - company confidential
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options
* 7104 oscilloscope with options operators
* 7313 / R7313 oscilloscope with options
* 7313 / R7313 oscilloscope with options
* 7403N oscillocope
* 7504 oscilloscope
* 7504 oscilloscope
* 7514 storage oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
*  7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
*  7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope operators
* 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope operators
* 7613 / R7613 storage osciloscope
* 7623 / R7623 storage oscilloscope
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
* 7633 / R7633 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7633 / R7633 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7633 / R7633 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7633 / R7633 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7633 / R7633 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7704 oscilloscope
* 7704 oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscillocope system
* 7704A oscillocope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system
* 7704A oscilloscope system - diagrams only
* 7704A oscilloscope system operators
* 7704A oscilloscope system operators
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
* 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
*  7844 / R7844 dual - beam oscilloscope with options
*  7845 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 application programs -- photo copy, binding & covers missing --
*  7854 diagnostic troubleshooting using 067-0911-00 & diagnostic test interface  -- ring bound --
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with options
*  7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
*  7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
*  7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
*  7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
*  7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
*  7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
*  7854 test procedures for diagnostic trouble shooting using 067-0911-00 test interface vol1
*  7854 test procedures for diagnostic trouble shooting using 067-0911-00 test interface vol2
*  7854 test procedures for diagnostic troubleshooting using 067-0911-00 and up, volume 2
*  7904 oscilloscope operators manual ( french )
*  7904 oscilloscope sn b260000 - up
*  7904 oscilloscope sn b260000 - up
*  7904 oscilloscope`
*  7904 oscilloscope`sn b260000 - up
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7904A oscilloscope with options
*  7A11 amplifier
*  7A11 amplifier
*  7A12 dual trace amplifier B01 - B11xxxx
* 7A13 amplifier
* 7A13 differential comparator sn b200000 - up
* 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b010100 - b039999
* 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b040000 - up
* 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b040000 - up
* 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b200000 - up
* 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b200000 - up
* 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b200000 - up
* 7A14 current probe amplifier
* 7A15A / 7A15AN amplifier
* 7A15A / 7A15AN amplifier
* 7A16A amplifier
* 7A16A amplifier
* 7A16A amplifier
* 7A18 /  7A18N dual trace amplifier
* 7A18 / 7A18N dual trace amplifier
*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7A18A dual trace amplfier
* 7A18A dual trace amplifier
* 7A18A dual trace amplifier
* 7A18A dual trace amplifier
* 7A19 amplifier
* 7A19 amplifier
* 7A19 amplifier
* 7A21N direct access
* 7A22 differential amplifier
* 7A22 differential amplifier
* 7A22 differential amplifier
* 7A22 differential amplifier
* 7A24 dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
* 7A24 dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
* 7A24 dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
* 7A24 dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
* 7A24 dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
* 7A26 dual trace amplifier
* 7A26 dual trace amplifier
* 7A26 dual trace amplifier
* 7A29 amplifier demo support package
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7A29 amplifier with options
* 7B10 time base
*  7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base
* 7B10 time base operators
* 7B10 time base operators
* 7B15 delaying time base
* 7B15 delaying time base
* 7B15 delaying time base
* 7B15 delaying time base
* 7B15 delaying time base
* 7B15 delaying time base
* 7B15 delaying time base operators
* 7B15 delaying time base operators
* 7B50 time base
* 7B50 time base
* 7B50A time base with options
* 7B50A time base with options
* 7B50A time base with options
* 7B50A time base with options
* 7B50A time base with options
* 7B50A time base with options
* 7B50A time base with options operators
* 7B51 delaying time base
* 7B52 dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base operators
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base option 5
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base option 5
* 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base option 5
* 7B53N dual time base
*  7B70 time base sc B205000 and up
*  7B71 delaying time base
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options
*  7B80 time base with options operators
*  7B85 delaying time base with options
*  7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options
* 7B85 delaying time base with options operators
* 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock
* 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock
* 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock
* 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock
* 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock
* 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock includes options
* 7B92 dual time base
* 7B92 dual time base
* 7B92 dual time base operators
* 7B92 dual time base service
* 7B92 factory calibration procedure
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base
* 7B92A dual time base with options operators
* 7B92A dual time base with options operators
* 7D01 logic analyser ( serial no. b020000 and up ) with options
* 7D01 logic analyser ( serial no. b020000 and up ) with options
* 7D02 logic analyser operators
* 7D02 logic analyser work book  -- photo copy --
* 7D10 digital events delay with options
* 7D12 A/D converter service
* 7D13 digital multimeter
* 7D14 digital counter s/n b0500000 and up
* 7D14 digital counter s/n b0500000 and up
* 7D15 universal counter / timer
* 7D20 programmable digitizer operators manual
* 7L12 spectrum analyser
* 7L12 spectrum analyser
* 7L13 spectrum analyser
* 7L13 spectrum analyser
* 7L13 spectrum analyser
* 7L14 spectrum analyser
* 7L14 spectrum analyser
* 7L5 spectrum analyser options
* 7L5 spectrum analyser service
* 7M13 readout unit
* 7S11 sampling unit
* 7S11 sampling unit
* 7S11 sampling unit
* 7S11 sampling unit
* 7S11 sampling unit
* 7S12 TDR / sampler sn b020000 - up
* 7S12 TDR / sampler sn b020000 - up
* 7S14 dual trace delayed sweep sampler
* 7S14 dual trace delayed sweep sampler
* 7S14 dual trace delayed sweep sampler
* 7T11 sampling sweep unit
* 7T11 sampling sweep unit
* 82 plug-in -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* 832 data comm tester with options
* AA501 distortion analyzer
* AM501 operational amplifier
* AM502 diffential amplifier
* AM503 current probe amplifier
* AM503 current probe amplifier
* 'B' -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* B / C plug-in amplifiers ( telequipment branded )
* 'B' type wide band calibrated preamp
* C10 series cameras and accessories  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C28 camera with options  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C3 calibrator ( telequipment branded )
* C3 calibrator ( telequipment branded )  -- photo copy, unbound --
* C30 3 inch cameras and accessories  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C31 camera and accessies  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C-31B camera
* C40 camera and accessies  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C5 camera  -- front piece, binding and back cover missing --
* C5 camera instruction manual
* C-50 / C-51 / C-52 / C-53 and accessories
* C50 series cameras and accessories  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C58 camera  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C5A camera with options  -- binding and back cover missing --
* C70 series cameras and accessories  -- binding and back cover missing --
* Camera system C-50 / C-51 / C-52 / C-53 and accessories
* Camera system C-50 / C-51 / C-52 / C-53 and accessories
* CG551AP programmable calibration generator vol1 with options
* CG551AP programmable calibration generator vol2 with options
* CRS10 / CRS30 / CRS50 / CRS70 / CRS72 / CRS90 training lab
* CT71 curve tracer ( telequipment branded )
* D10 sinle beam display unit
* D10 sinle beam display unit
* D1010 / D1011 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D1015 / D1016 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D11 / D15 single beam storage display unit
* D11 / D15 single beam storage display unit
* D11 / D15 single beam storage display unit
* D11 single beam storage display unit parts lists and diagrams
* D12 / D13 dual beam display unit
* D12 / D13 dual beam display unit
* D31 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D40 single beam display unit
* D40 single beam unit
* D41 single beam storage display unit
* D43 / D43R  oscilloscope prior to sn 70,000 ( telequipment branded )
* D43 laboritory  oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D44 dual beam display unit
* D61 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D65 / D66 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D65 calibration procedure
* D65 inspection procedure
* D66A oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D67 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D67 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D67A oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* D75 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* DAS 9100 digital analysis system, extended mnemonics workbook
* DC501 100Mhz counter
* DC501 100Mhz counter
* DC501 100Mhz counter
* DC501 factory calibration and inspection procedure
* DC5010 programmable universal counter / timer with options
* DC502 550MHz counter
* DC502 550MHz counter
* DC503 audit procedure - company confidential
* DC503 universal counter
* DC503 universal counter
* DC503 universal counter
* DC503 universal counter
* DC503 universal counter
* DC503 universal counter
* DC503A universal counter / timer with options
* DC503A universal counter / timer with options ( francais deutsch japan )
* DC504 counter / timer
* DC505A universal counter / timer
* DC508 1GHz counter sn b020000 - up
* DC508 1GHz counter sn b020000 - up
* DC508 1GHz counter sn b020000 - up
* DC509 universal counter / timer with options
* DC510 universal counter / timer with options
* DD501 digital delay
* DF1 display formatter with options
* DF1 display formatter with options
* DF2 display formatter
* DF2 display formatter
* DL2 digital latch
* DL502 digital latch
* DM43 - DM40 digitial muiltimeter service
* DM43 - DM40 digitial muiltimeter service
* DM44 digital multimeter demo support package
* DM44 digital multimeter with options
* DM44 digital multimeter with options
* DM44 digital multimeter with options
* DM44 digital multimeter with options
* DM501 digital muilimeter
* DM501 digital muilimeter
* DM501 digital muilimeter
* DM501 factory calibration procedure - company confidential
* DM501A digital muilimeter
* DM501A digital muilimeter
* DM501A digital muilimeter
* DM501A digital muilimeter ( francais deutsch japan )
* DM501A digital multimeter
* DM501A digital multimeter ( francais deutsch japan )
* DM502 digital multimeter
* DM502 digital multimeter
* DM502A digital autoranging multimeter
* DM505 factory calibration procedure
* DM51 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* DM64 storage oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* DM64 storage oscilloscope ( telequipment branded ) -- photo copy --
* 'E' type low level diffrential
* FG501 audit procedure
* FG501 function generator
* FG501 function generator
* FG501 function generator
* FG501 function generator
* FG501 function generator
* FG501 function generator
* FG501 function generator
* FG501A 2MHz function generator
* FG501A 2MHz function generator
* FG501A 2MHz function generator  ( francais deutsch japan )
* FG502 function generator
* FG503 function generator
* FG503 function generator
* FG503 function generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* FG504 40MHz function generator
* FG507 2MHz function generator
* 'G' type wide band diffrential amplifier
* 'H' plug-in -- parts lists and diagrams only, not origonal binding or covers --
* 'H' type wide band calibrated preamp
* ieee-488 system instruments 1981
* J6523 1deg narrow angle luminance probe
* J6523 1deg narrow angle luminance probe
* K plug-in amplifier ( telequipment branded )
* 'K' type fast - rise calibrated amplifier
*  L1 50-ohm plugi-in module
* L2 75-ohm plug-in module
* L3 plugi-in module
* L3 plugi-in module
* LA501 manual change information
* LA501W logic analyzer operators
* M1 multi function module with options
* M2 sample / hold module with options
* M3 rms volts module with options
* M41A1 low level amplifier M41A2-A8 thermocouple amplifiers
* MICROLAB1  -- binding missing --
* MPF microfice product file, customer catalog 1981
* MR501 monitor
* MR501 monitor
* MR501 monitor
* 'N' type sampling
* nal
* NF501 notch filter -- possibly pre production manual, typed sheets and hand drawings  --
* 'O' type operational amplifer
* OF235 fibre optic time domain reflectometer operators manual
* Oscilloscope camera system 5 inch cameras and accessories
* 'P' type plug - in test unit
* P6007 probe
* P6016 current probe / 131 current probe amplifier passive termination
* P6021 current probe and termination
* P6022 current probe and termination
* P6042 probe
* P6045 probe
* P6049A probe
* P6049B probe
* P6053A probe
* P6055 probe
* P6055 probe
* P6055 probe
* P6058 probe
* P6058 probe after june 13, 1973
* P6058 probe after june 13, 1973
* P6060 probe
* P6062A passive probe data sheet
* P6062B passive probe data sheet
* P6063A passive probe
* P6065 probe
* P6065A probe
* P6075A probe
* P6105 passive probe data sheet
* P6131 10X passive probe
* P6430 temerature probe
* P6451 data acuisition probe data sheet
* P6451 data acuisition probe data sheet
* P6451 data acuisition probe instructions
* P6451 data acuisition probe instructions
* P6601 tempreature probe
* P6601 tempreature probe
* P6601 tempreature probe
* PG501 pulse generator
* PG501 pulse generator
* PG501 pulse generator
* PG502 250Mhz pulse generator
* PG502 250Mhz pulse generator
* PG502 250Mhz pulse generator
* PG502 factory calibration and inspection procedure
* PG502 wizard workshop engineering articals -- dyeline, unbound
* PG505 pulse generator
* PG506 calibration generator
* PG506 calibration generator
* PG506 calibration generator (sn b040000 and up)
* PG506 calibration generator (sn b040000 and up)
* PG506 calibration generator (sn b040000 and up)
* PG506 calibration generator (sn b040000 and up)
* PG506 callibration generator
* PG506 callibration generator ( sn B040000 and up )
* PG507 50MHz dual output pulse generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* PG508 50MHz pulse generator
* PM101 general purpose personality module
* PM102 / PM103 personality module for 6800 / 6802 microprocessors
* PS501 / PS501-1 / PS501-2 DC power supply
* PS501 / PS501-1 / PS501-2 DC power supply
* PS501 factory calibration and inspection procedure
* PS502 dual tracking power supply
* PS503A dual power supply
* PS503A dual power supply  ( francais deutsch japan )
* PS503A dual power supply ( francais deutsch japan )
* PS505 power supply
* R1140 programmable power supply
* R116 programmable pulse generator
* R293 programmable pulse generator and power supply
* R7903 oscilloscope
* RG501 ramp generator
* RM529 mod 188D waveform monitior above sn 9,500
* 'S' type semiconductor diode recovery unit
* S1 sampling head
* S1 sampling head
* S1 sampling head
* S2 sampling head
* S2 sampling head
* S2 sampling head
* S2 sampling head
* S3 sampling head
* S4 sampling head
* S51 trigger countdown head
* S52 pulse generator head
* S52 pulse generator head
* S52 pulse generator head
* S52 pulse generator head
* S53 trigger recognizer head
* S53 trigger recognizer head
* S54 pulse generator head
* S54A / S54AR oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* S6 sampling head
* S6 sampling head
* S61 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
* SC502 oscilloscope
* SC503 10MHz storage oscilloscope
* SC504 oscilloscope
* SG5010 programmable 160KHz oscillator
* SG502 oscillator
* SG502 oscillator
* SG502 RC oscillator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* SG504 leveled sine wave generator ( francais deutsch japan )
* SG505 oscillator
* SG505 oscillator
* SPG1 / SPG2 ntsc sync generator modules
* SPG1 / SPG2 ntsc sync generator modules
* SPG11 / SPG12 pal sync generator modules
* SPG13 pal timing generaotor module
* SPG3 ntsc timing generator module
* SW503 sweep generator
* T' type time base generator
* T912 10 MHz storage oscilloscope -- bound in ring folder --
* T912 10MHz sstorage oscilloscope with options parts list and diagrams
* T912 10MHz storage oscilloscope
* T912 10MHz storage oscilloscope with options
* T921 / T922 / T922R 15MHz oscilloscopes with options
* T921 / T922 / T922R 15MHz oscilloscopes with options
* T921 / T922 / T922R 15MHz oscilloscopes with options
* T921 / T922 / T922R 15MHz oscilloscopes with options
* T921 / T922 15MHz portable oscilloscope
* T921 / T922 15MHz portable oscilloscope
* T922R oscilloscope with options
* T932 / T935 35MHz portable oscilloscope
* T932 / T935 35MHz portable oscilloscope
* T932 / T935 35MHz portable oscilloscope
* T932A / T935A 35MHz portable oscilloscope
* TG501 time mark generator
* TG501 time mark generator
* TG501 time mark generator
* TG501 time mark generator
* TM mainframe test procedure
* TM500 modular test and measurement system - brochure
* TM500 pwer module tester and utility power supply construction note
* TM500 series rear interface data book
* TM500 series rear interface data book
* TM500 series rear interface data book
* TM500 series rear interface data book
* TM500 series rear interface data book
* TM5000 programming refrence insstrument control and i/o aug 1981 -  wall poster -
* TM5006 power module ( francais deutsch japan )
* TM501 power module
* TM501 power module
* TM501 power module
* TM503 power module
* TM503 power module
* TM503 power module
* TM503 power module
* TM503 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM504 power module
* TM506 / RTM 506 power module
* TM506 power module
* TM515 five compartment portable power module
* TR501 tracking generator
* TR502 tracking generator
* TSG1 ntsc colr bar test signal generator module
* TSG11 pal colour bar test signal generator module
* TSG13 pal linarity test signal generator module
* TSG14 pal black burst test signal generator module
* TSG16 pal multiburst and video sweeo test signal generator module
* TSG2 ntsc convergence pattern test signal generator module sn b020470 - up
* TSG3 ntsc linearity test signal generator module
* TSG3 ntsc linearity test signal generator module
* TSG4 ntsc black burst test signal generator module
* TSG5 ntsc pulse & bar test signal generator module
* TSG7 smpte colr bars generator module
* 'TV sync seperator'
* ''W' type high gain diffrential comparator
* WR501 word recognizer / delay
* WSEN camera writing speed enhanser
* 'Z' type calibrated diffrential comparator

Latest revision as of 17:05, 3 May 2019

These titles were for sale in Ebay listing For each of them, we should either confirm that we have them, complete, or add them to an explicit wishlist.

  • 015-0062-00 TV sync seperator
  • 015-0149-00 75 - ohm return loss bridge
  • 015-0239-01 remote monitor unit 015-0240-01 remote control unit
  • 015-0407-00 subcarrier harmonic rejection filter
  • 015-0408-00 peak - to - peak detector amplifier
  • 016-0072-00 ac power supply
  • 067-0500-00 calibration fixture crt deflection capacitance normalizer
  • 067-0502-00 calibration fixture standard amplitude calibrator
  • 067-0502-00 calibration fixture, factory calibration procedure
  • 067-0502-01 calibration fixture amplitude calibrator and comparator
  • 067-0508-00 calibration fixture 50 ohm amplitude calibrator
  • 067-0521-00 calibration fixture load pulser for 530 / 540 / 550 series
  • 067-0521-01 calibration fixture load pulser for 530 / 540 / 550 series
  • 067-0532-00 -- diagrams only, unbound photo copy --
  • 067-0532-00 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
  • 067-0532-00 change notice aug 73
  • 067-0532-00 hf constant amplitude signal generator factory calibration procedure and diagram
  • 067-0532-01 calibration fixture constant amplitude signal generator
  • 067-0542-99 low frequency sinewave generator -- circuit diagrams only, A3 dyeline --
  • 067-0542-99 low frequency sinewave generator -- parts list only --
  • 067-0542-99 sine wave generator
  • 067-0543-99 dc voltage bride calibration fixture factory calibration and inspection procedure
  • 067-0543-99 dc voltage bride calibration fixture factory calibration procedure and diagram
  • 067-0543-99 dc voltage bride calibration fixture parts list and diagram
  • 067-0543-99 dc voltage bridge
  • 067-0546-00 ntsc vectorscope test unit / 067-0570-00 pal vector scope test unit
  • 067-0587-00 calibration fixture signal standardizer
  • 067-0587-01 calibration fixture signal standardizer
  • 067-0587-01 signal standardizer calibration fixture
  • 067-0587-02 calibration fixture signal standardizer
  • 067-0588-99 power supply checker
  • 067-0599-00 calibration fixture 576 calibration unit
  • 067-0601-00 calibration fixture video test signal generator
  • 067-0601-00 television test signal generator factory calibration procedure
  • 067-0605-99 knob readout exerciser
  • 067-0608-00 calibration fixture overdrive recovery
  • 067-0657-00 calibration fixture normalized ramp generator
  • 067-0659-00 calibration fixture logic card extender
  • 067-0680-00 calibration fixture normalizer
  • 067-0690-00 calibration fixture high resolution test generator
  • 067-0700-00 7D12 calibration fixture
  • 067-0722-00 digital demo aid
  • 067-0791-99 digital test unit
  • 067-0938-00 calibration fixture passive notch filter
  • 067-0961-00 diagnostic memory board -- binding missing --
  • 067-0995-99 plug - in test load
  • 067-1012-99 6802 demo aid
  • 067-1039-00 pattern generator
  • 067-1066-00 calibration fixture ( ridged extender board ) -- unbound --
  • 067-1178-99 input c calibration fixture -- photo copy --
  • 067-1201-99 TM500 power module tester and utility power supply
  • 105 square - wave generator
  • 106 square - wave generator
  • 109 pulse generator
  • 10A2A dual trace amplifier
  • 1106 power supply / 465 option 7 / 475 option 7 -- no binding --
  • 111 pretrigger pulse generator
  • 11301 / 11302 preliminary service information
  • 11301 / 11302 programmable oscilloscope users refererence preliminary
  • 11401 / 11402 digitizing oscilloscope users reference manual
  • 11401 / 11402 digitizing oscilloscope users reference manual -- ring bound --
  • 114 pulse generator
  • 11B2A time base
  • 11B2A time base plug - in
  • 11B2A time base plug - in unit mod 165K -- UNBOUND --
  • 130 L/C meter
  • 134 current probe amplifier P6019 / P6020 probes
  • 1401 spectrum analyzer module
  • 1405 / 1405 option 01 television sideband adaptor -- flier --
  • 1405 tv sideband adapter
  • 1410 ntsc generator with options
  • 1410 ntsc generator with options sn b010135 and up
  • 1411 pal generator with options
  • 141A / R141A mod 703z (k1f) modification insert supplement to standard manual
  • 141A / R141A pal test signal generator
  • 1420 / 1424 specifications and ordering information
  • 1420 ntsc vectorscope
  • 1421 pal vectorscope
  • 1430 random noise measuring set
  • 143 secam test signal generator
  • 144 / R144 ntsc test signal generator
  • 1450 - 3 television demodulator
  • 1450-2 television demodulator
  • 1450-3 television demodulator
  • 145 pal gen lock test signal generator
  • 1460 automatic video corrector
  • 1461 insertion test signal generator delete / inserter
  • 1470 ntsc cctv color sync & test signal generator
  • 1474 ntsc cctv color sync generator
  • 1478 calibrated chrominance level corrector
  • 147A / 149A ntsc test signal generator
  • 1480 series waveform / vector monitors
  • 148 / R148 mod 950 a / b
  • 148 insertion test signal generator --- binding missing ---
  • 1501 TDR
  • 1502B matallic time domain reflectometer
  • 1502 / 1503 time domain reflectometers water tight sealing procedures
  • 1502 performance check and calibtation -- partial manual. Unbound
  • 1502 time domain reflectometer
  • 1503B matalic time domain reflectometer
  • 1503 time domain reflectometer
  • 172 proggramable test fixture
  • 1740 series waveform / vector monitors
  • 1750 series waveform / vector monitors
  • 176 pulsed high current fixture
  • 177 standard test fixture
  • 184 time - mark generator
  • 190A / 190B sine wave generator
  • 191 constant amplitude signal generator
  • 1A1 dual - trace plug - in sn 20000 -- up
  • 1A2 sampling unit
  • 1A4 four channel amplifier
  • 1A5 differential amplifier plug - in unit
  • 1A6 differential amplifier
  • 1A7A differential amplifier
  • 1L5 spectrum analyzer
  • 1S2 sampling unit sn 1990 up
  • 200-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 200-1B scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 201-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 201-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 202-1 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 202-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 203-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 204-2 scope mobile -- binding & covers missing --
  • 208 storage monitor operators
  • 208 storage monitor with options
  • 2101 pulse generator
  • 211 oscilloscope maintanace
  • 212 oscilloscope
  • 213 DMM oscilloscope with options
  • 214 storage oscilloscope
  • 21 calculator operators manual
  • 2213 oscilloscope
  • 2215 oscilloscope
  • 221 oscilloscope
  • 2225 oscilloscope
  • 2225 oscilloscope and options operators manual
  • 2335 oscilloscope
  • 2336 oscilloscope
  • 2337 oscilloscope
  • 2430A - brochure
  • 2430A digital oscilloscope
  • 2430A digital oscilloscope operators manual
  • 2430A digital storage concepts
  • 2430 digital oscilloscope
  • 2430 digital oscilloscope operators
  • 2430 oscilloscope
  • 2432 digital oscilloscope -- in ring binder --
  • 2432 digital storage oscilloscope operators manual
  • 2440 digital oscilloscope -- in ring binder --
  • 2445B / 2455B / 2465B / 2467B option 10 instrument interface guide
  • 2445 / 2465 option 01 DMM option
  • 2445 / 2465 option 01 DMM option operators
  • 2445 / 2465 option 01 dmm option
  • 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option
  • 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option operators
  • 2445 / 2465 option 05 tv option service
  • 2445 / 2465 option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer
  • 2445 / 2465 option 06 and option 09 counter / timer / trigger and word recognizer operators
  • 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option
  • 2445 / 2465 option 10 gpib option operators
  • 2445 oscilloscope
  • 2445 oscilloscope - diagrams only
  • 2445 oscilloscope operators
  • 2465A / 2455A / 2445A option 10 instrument interface guide
  • 2465A / 2455A / 2445A oscilloscopes and options operators manual
  • 2465A / 2467 oscilloscope -- ring bound --
  • 2465 oscilloscope
  • 2467B oscilloscope and options operators
  • 2601 / R2601 mainframe
  • 26G2 ramp generator
  • 281 tdr pulser
  • 282 probe adaptor
  • 284 pulse generator
  • 2901 time - mark generator
  • 291 diode switching time tester power supply
  • 292 semiconductor tester power supply
  • 2A60 amplifier
  • 2A63 differential amplifier
  • 2B67 time base
  • 308 data analyser
  • 310 / 310A oscilloscopes
  • 314 storage oscilloscope
  • 317 oscilloscope
  • 318 / 338 logic analyser operators manual
  • 321A oscilloscope sn6000 up
  • 321 oscilloscope
  • 323 oscilloscope
  • 326 dual - trace oscilloscope
  • 335 oscilloscope
  • 350 camera attachment
  • 380 / 381 specifications and ordering information
  • 381 pal test monitor
  • 3A10 transducer amplifier
  • 3A1 -- partial original manual, some photocopy pages, all unbound
  • 3A3 diffential amp
  • 3A5 automatic / programmable amplifier
  • 3A6 dual trace amplifier
  • 3A72 dual trace amplifier
  • 3A75 amplifier
  • 3A7 diffrential comparator
  • 3A8 operational amplifier plug - in unit
  • 3B1 time base
  • 3B2 time base
  • 3B3 / 3A1 -- partial manuals, part photocopy in loose folder
  • 3B3 plug-in -- spiral binding missing --
  • 3B5 automatic / programmable time base
  • 3L10 spectrum analyser plug in
  • 3L5 spectrum analyser plug in
  • 3S1 dual - trace sampling unit
  • 3S1 dual trace sampling unit parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 3S2 sampling unit
  • 3S3 sampling probe unit
  • 3S5 programmable sampling unit
  • 3S6 programmable sampling unit
  • 3S76 sampling dual trace unit
  • 3S7 / 3T7 tdr system
  • 3T2 random sampling sweep
  • 3T4 programmable sampling sweep
  • 3T5 programmable sampling sweep
  • 3T6 programmable sampling sweep
  • 3T77A sampling sweep unit
  • 3T77 sampling sweep unit
  • 400 mediacal recorder with options service
  • 4024 computer display terminal operators manual
  • 4025 computer display terminal programmer's reference
  • 4041 terminal operation / BASIC: getting down to basic
  • 4050 operation / BASIC: getting down to basics
  • 4050 series reference manual -- ring bound --
  • 408 monitor service
  • 410 physiological monitor
  • 412 monitor service
  • 413 portable neonatel montor with options service
  • 414 portable patient monitor with options
  • 422 / R422 oscilloscope
  • 422 / R422 oscilloscope with AC power supply sn20,000 and up
  • 422 ac-dc power supply
  • 422 oscilloscope with AC - DC power supply sn20,000 and up
  • 434 / R434 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only ---
  • 434 oscilloscope
  • 434 oscilloscope (sn b500000 and up)
  • 442 oscilloscope
  • 453A-4 oscillocope
  • 453 oscilloscope sn100 - 19,999
  • 454A / R454A oscilloscope
  • 454 / R454 oscilloscope
  • 454 / R454 oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing --
  • 455/A2/B2 portable oscilloscope with options
  • 463 oscilloscope with options sn 700406 & up
  • 464 storage oscilloscope with options service
  • 465B oscilloscope with options
  • 465B oscilloscope with options ( b060000 and up )
  • 465B oscilloscope with options ( b060000 and up ) - diagrams only
  • 465B oscilloscope with options service
  • 465 / 475 option 7
  • 465 option 5 supplement
  • 465 option 7 / 475 option 7
  • 465 oscilloscope
  • 465 oscilloscope sn b04 up to B24999
  • 465 oscilloscope with options
  • 465 oscilloscope with options (sn B250000 & up) service
  • 465 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 & up
  • 4662 interactive digital plotter programmers reference manual -- not original binding --
  • 4662 interactive digital plotter with option 31 -- comb binding missing --
  • 466 storage oscilloscope with options service
  • 468 digital storage oscilloscope service volume 1
  • 468 digital storage oscilloscope service volume 2
  • 475A oscilloscope with options
  • 475 oscilloscope
  • 475 oscilloscope calibration and diagram suppliment
  • 475 oscilloscope with options sn b250000 and up
  • 491 / R491 spectrum analyser
  • 492 / 492P spectrum analyser service volume 2
  • 494P spectrum analyser
  • 494 / 494P spectrum analyser
  • 4S2 dual trace sampling unit
  • 5000 / 7000 series application briefs -- in ring binder --
  • 502A / RM502A -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • 5030 dual - beam oscilloscope
  • 5031 dual - beam storage oscilloscope
  • 503 oscilloscope
  • 504 cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 507 oscilloscope
  • 5103N oscilloscope system
  • 5110 oscilloscope
  • 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope engineering instrument specifications
  • 5111A / R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
  • 5111A R5111A storage oscilloscope with options
  • 5111 storage oscilloscope
  • 5112 dual beam oscilloscope
  • 5113 dual beam storage oscilloscope
  • 5115 storage oscilloscope
  • 512 cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 513 cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 514 cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 515 / 515A oscilloscope
  • 516 oscilloscope
  • 517A cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 517 / 517A oscilloscopes
  • 519 oscilloscope
  • 520A ntsc vectorscope
  • 520 / R520 ntsc vectorscope
  • 521A oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 521A pal vectorscope
  • 521 / R521 pal vectorscope
  • 5223 digitizing oscilloscope operators manual
  • 5223 digitizing oscilloscope with options ( excluding option 10 )
  • 524 cathode ray oscilloscope
  • 525 television waveform monitor
  • 526 vectorscope
  • 527 waveform monitor
  • 528A television waveform monitor
  • 528 television waveform monitor
  • 529 waveform monitor mod 244h,J,L,M,P+Q sn 6000 up
  • 532 oscilloscope
  • 533 / 533A oscilloscopes
  • 535A / 545A oscilloscope -- unbound, possibly with a full photocopy set of the same --
  • 536 oscilloscope
  • 5403 oscilloscope system
  • 541A oscilloscope
  • 541A oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 543B / 544 oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 543B oscillocope
  • 543 / 543A oscilloscope
  • 543 oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 5440 / R5440 oscilloscope
  • 5440 oscilloscope
  • 5441 / R5441A storage oscilloscope
  • 5441 storage oscilloscope
  • 544 oscilloscope
  • 545B -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding, no covers --
  • 545B oscilloscope parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 546 oscilloscope
  • 547 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • 549 -- parts lists and diagrams only --
  • 549 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only --
  • 551 oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • 555 oscilloscope / 21A / 22A parts lists and diagrams -- not original binding, covers missing--
  • 556 oscilloscope
  • 561A oscilloscope
  • 561B oscilloscope
  • 564B / 564B mod 121N factory calibration procedure -- including partial manuals --
  • 564B oscilloscope
  • 565 oscilloscope
  • 567 readout oscilloscope
  • 568 / R568 oscilloscope
  • 570 oscilloscope
  • 575 / 175 curve tracer -- spiral binding missing --
  • 575 / 175 partial manual including diagrams -- photo copy, unbound --
  • 576 013-0124-00 integrated circuit adaptor
  • 576 curve tracer
  • 576 curve tracer adjustment and performance check procedure
  • 577 D1 or D2 curve tracer
  • 577-178-D1 linear ic curve tracer
  • 581A oscilloscope -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • 585A oscilloscope
  • 5A13N diffential comparator
  • 5A14N four channel amplifier
  • 5A15N amplifier
  • 5A15N amplifier -- covers missing
  • 5A18N dual-trace amplifier
  • 5A18 dual trace amplifier -- comb binding and back cover missing --
  • 5A18 dual trace amplifier -- comb binding missing --
  • 5A20N diffential amplifier
  • 5A21N differential amplifier with options
  • 5A22N differential amplifier
  • 5A23N amplifier
  • 5A24N utility unit
  • 5A26 dual differential amplifier
  • 5A38 dual trace amplifier
  • 5A45 single trace amplifier
  • 5A48 dual trace amplifier
  • 5B10N time base -- no covers or bindings --
  • 5B10N time base / amplifier
  • 5B10 time base / amplifier
  • 5B12N dual time base
  • 5B12N dual time base -- binding and back cover missing --
  • 5B13N time base
  • 5B13N time base -- binding and back cover missing --
  • 5B25N digitizer time base / amplifier operators manual
  • 5B25N digitizer time base / amplifier with options
  • 5B31 digitally delayed time base
  • 5B40 time base
  • 5B42 delaying time base
  • 5B44 dual time base
  • 5D10 waveform digitizer diagnostic troubleshooting (volume 2)
  • 5D10 waveform digitizer operators manual
  • 5L4N spectrum analyser interim
  • 5S14N / 7S14 factory calibration procedure
  • 5S14N dual trace delayed sweep sampler interim
  • 601 storage monitor
  • 602 display unit option 1
  • 603 / 604 monitor
  • 605 variable persistance storage monitor
  • 608 monitor with options
  • 611 storage display unit
  • 613 storage display unit
  • 631 picture monitor
  • 633 picture monitor
  • 634 monitor with options
  • 647A oscilloscope mod 165K
  • 647A oscilloscope mod 165K -- un bound --
  • 647 oscilloscope
  • 650A series color picture monitors
  • 650 Series color monitors
  • 653A / 656A color picture monitors
  • 656HR color pictur monitor
  • 670A / 671A color picture monitors
  • 670A color picture monitors set up procedure
  • 670-1 series color picture monitors
  • 690SR option 02 specifications and ordering information
  • 690SR option 11, specifications and ordering information
  • 690SR option 42, specifications and ordering information
  • 690SR television color monitor
  • 69M41 RGB / comp sync interface
  • 6R1A notes, technical instructions and training
  • 7000 series, introduction to the switching and logic circuits - company confidential
  • 7104 oscilloscope with options
  • 7104 oscilloscope with options operators
  • 7313 / R7313 oscilloscope with options
  • 7403N oscillocope
  • 7504 oscilloscope
  • 7514 storage oscilloscope
  • 7603 / R7603 oscilloscope
  • 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope
  • 7613 / R7613 storage oscilloscope operators
  • 7623A / R7623A storage oscilloscope with options
  • 7623 / R7623 storage oscilloscope
  • 7633 / R7633 storage oscilloscope with options
  • 7704A oscilloscope system
  • 7704A oscilloscope system - diagrams only
  • 7704A oscilloscope system operators
  • 7704 oscilloscope
  • 7704 oscilloscope system
  • 7834 storage oscilloscope with options
  • 7844 / R7844 dual - beam oscilloscope with options
  • 7854 application programs -- photo copy, binding & covers missing --
  • 7854 diagnostic troubleshooting using 067-0911-00 & diagnostic test interface -- ring bound --
  • 7854 oscilloscope with options
  • 7854 oscilloscope with waveform calculator operators manual
  • 7854 test procedures for diagnostic trouble shooting using 067-0911-00 test interface vol1
  • 7854 test procedures for diagnostic trouble shooting using 067-0911-00 test interface vol2
  • 7854 test procedures for diagnostic troubleshooting using 067-0911-00 and up, volume 2
  • 7904A oscilloscope with options
  • 7904 oscilloscope
  • 7904 oscilloscope operators manual ( french )
  • 7904 oscilloscope sn b260000 - up
  • 7A11 amplifier
  • 7A12 dual trace amplifier B01 - B11xxxx
  • 7A13 amplifier
  • 7A13 differential comparator sn b200000 - up
  • 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b010100 - b039999
  • 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b040000 - up
  • 7A13 diffrential comparator sn b200000 - up
  • 7A14 current probe amplifier
  • 7A15A / 7A15AN amplifier
  • 7A16A amplifier
  • 7A18A dual trace amplifier
  • 7A18 / 7A18N dual trace amplifier
  • 7A19 amplifier
  • 7A21N direct access
  • 7A22 differential amplifier
  • 7A24 dual trace amplifier sn b103000 - up
  • 7A26 dual trace amplifier
  • 7A29 amplifier demo support package
  • 7A29 amplifier with options
  • 7B10 time base
  • 7B10 time base operators
  • 7B15 delaying time base
  • 7B15 delaying time base operators
  • 7B50A time base with options
  • 7B50A time base with options operators
  • 7B50 time base
  • 7B51 delaying time base
  • 7B52 dual time base
  • 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base
  • 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base operators
  • 7B53A / 7B53AN dual time base option 5
  • 7B53N dual time base
  • 7B70 time base sc B205000 and up
  • 7B71 delaying time base
  • 7B80 time base with options
  • 7B80 time base with options operators
  • 7B85 delaying time base with options
  • 7B85 delaying time base with options operators
  • 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock
  • 7B87 time base with pretrigger acquire clock includes options
  • 7B92A dual time base
  • 7B92A dual time base with options operators
  • 7B92 dual time base
  • 7B92 dual time base operators
  • 7B92 dual time base service
  • 7B92 factory calibration procedure
  • 7D01 logic analyser ( serial no. b020000 and up ) with options
  • 7D02 logic analyser operators
  • 7D02 logic analyser work book -- photo copy --
  • 7D10 digital events delay with options
  • 7D12 A/D converter service
  • 7D13 digital multimeter
  • 7D14 digital counter s/n b0500000 and up
  • 7D15 universal counter / timer
  • 7D20 programmable digitizer operators manual
  • 7L12 spectrum analyser
  • 7L13 spectrum analyser
  • 7L14 spectrum analyser
  • 7L5 spectrum analyser options
  • 7L5 spectrum analyser service
  • 7M13 readout unit
  • 7S11 sampling unit
  • 7S12 TDR / sampler sn b020000 - up
  • 7S14 dual trace delayed sweep sampler
  • 7T11 sampling sweep unit
  • 82 plug-in -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • 832 data comm tester with options
  • 2400 an introduction to digital storage
  • AA501 distortion analyzer
  • AM501 operational amplifier
  • AM502 diffential amplifier
  • AM503 current probe amplifier
  • B type parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • B type wide band calibrated preamp
  • C-10 series cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-28 camera with options -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-30 3 inch cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-31B camera
  • C-31 camera and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-40 camera and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-50 / C-51 / C-52 / C-53 and accessories
  • C-50 Camera system C-50 / C-51 / C-52 / C-53 and accessories
  • C-50 series cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-58 camera -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-5A camera with options -- binding and back cover missing --
  • C-5 camera -- front piece, binding and back cover missing --
  • C-5 camera instruction manual
  • C-70 series cameras and accessories -- binding and back cover missing --
  • CG551AP programmable calibration generator vol1 with options
  • CG551AP programmable calibration generator vol2 with options
  • CRS10 / CRS30 / CRS50 / CRS70 / CRS72 / CRS90 training lab
  • D10 single beam display unit
  • D11 / D15 single beam storage display unit
  • D11 single beam storage display unit parts lists and diagrams
  • D12 / D13 dual beam display unit
  • D40 single beam display unit
  • D40 single beam unit
  • D41 single beam storage display unit
  • D44 dual beam display unit
  • DAS9100 digital analysis system, extended mnemonics workbook
  • DC5010 programmable universal counter / timer with options
  • DC501 100Mhz counter
  • DC501 factory calibration and inspection procedure
  • DC502 550MHz counter
  • DC503A universal counter / timer with options
  • DC503A universal counter / timer with options ( francais deutsch japan )
  • DC503 audit procedure - company confidential
  • DC503 universal counter
  • DC504 counter / timer
  • DC505A universal counter / timer
  • DC508 1GHz counter sn b020000 - up
  • DC509 universal counter / timer with options
  • DC510 universal counter / timer with options
  • DD501 digital delay
  • DF1 display formatter with options
  • DF2 display formatter
  • DL2 digital latch
  • DL502 digital latch
  • DM43 - DM40 digitial muiltimeter service
  • DM44 digital multimeter demo support package
  • DM44 digital multimeter with options
  • DM501A digital muilimeter
  • DM501A digital multimeter ( francais deutsch japan )
  • DM501 digital muilimeter
  • DM501 factory calibration procedure - company confidential
  • DM502A digital autoranging multimeter
  • DM502 digital multimeter
  • DM505 factory calibration procedure
  • E type low level diffrential
  • FG501A 2MHz function generator
  • FG501A 2MHz function generator ( francais deutsch japan )
  • FG501 audit procedure
  • FG501 function generator
  • FG502 function generator
  • FG503 function generator
  • FG503 function generator ( francais deutsch japan )
  • FG504 40MHz function generator
  • FG507 2MHz function generator
  • G type wide band diffrential amplifier
  • H plug-in -- parts lists and diagrams only, not original binding or covers --
  • H type wide band calibrated preamp
  • J6523 1deg narrow angle luminance probe
  • K type fast - rise calibrated amplifier
  • L1 50-ohm plug-in module
  • L2 75-ohm plug-in module
  • L3 plug-in module
  • LA501W logic analyzer operators
  • LA501 manual change information
  • M1 multi function module with options
  • M2 sample / hold module with options
  • M3 rms volts module with options
  • M41A1 low level amplifier M41A2-A8 thermocouple amplifiers
  • MICROLAB1 -- binding missing --
  • MPF microfice product file, customer catalog 1981
  • MPF microfiche product file, customer catalog
  • MR501 monitor
  • NF501 notch filter -- possibly pre production manual, typed sheets and hand drawings --
  • N type sampling
  • OF235 fibre optic time domain reflectometer operators manual
  • O type operational amplifer
  • P6007 probe
  • P6016 current probe / 131 current probe amplifier passive termination
  • P6021 current probe and termination
  • P6022 current probe and termination
  • P6042 probe
  • P6045 probe
  • P6049A probe
  • P6049B probe
  • P6053A probe
  • P6055 probe
  • P6058 probe
  • P6058 probe after june 13, 1973
  • P6060 probe
  • P6062A passive probe data sheet
  • P6062B passive probe data sheet
  • P6063A passive probe
  • P6065A probe
  • P6065 probe
  • P6075A probe
  • P6105 passive probe data sheet
  • P6131 10X passive probe
  • P6430 temerature probe
  • P6451 data acuisition probe data sheet
  • P6451 data acuisition probe instructions
  • P6601 tempreature probe
  • PG501 pulse generator
  • PG502 250Mhz pulse generator
  • PG502 factory calibration and inspection procedure
  • PG502 wizard workshop engineering articals -- dyeline, unbound
  • PG505 pulse generator
  • PG506 calibration generator
  • PG506 calibration generator (sn b040000 and up)
  • PG506 callibration generator
  • PG506 callibration generator ( sn B040000 and up )
  • PG507 50MHz dual output pulse generator ( francais deutsch japan )
  • PG508 50MHz pulse generator
  • PM101 general purpose personality module
  • PM102 / PM103 personality module for 6800 / 6802 microprocessors
  • PS501 / PS501-1 / PS501-2 DC power supply
  • PS501 factory calibration and inspection procedure
  • PS502 dual tracking power supply
  • PS503A dual power supply
  • PS503A dual power supply ( francais deutsch japan )
  • PS505 power supply
  • P type plug - in test unit
  • R1140 programmable power supply
  • R116 programmable pulse generator
  • R293 programmable pulse generator and power supply
  • R7903 oscilloscope
  • RG501 ramp generator
  • RM529 mod 188D waveform monitior above sn 9,500
  • S1 sampling head
  • S2 sampling head
  • S3 sampling head
  • S4 sampling head
  • S51 trigger countdown head
  • S52 pulse generator head
  • S53 trigger recognizer head
  • S54 pulse generator head
  • S6 sampling head
  • SC502 oscilloscope
  • SC503 10MHz storage oscilloscope
  • SC504 oscilloscope
  • SG5010 programmable 160KHz oscillator
  • SG502 RC oscillator
  • SG502 oscillator
  • SG503 leveled sine - wave generator
  • SG504 leveled sine wave generator
  • SG504 leveled sine wave generator ( francais deutsch japan )
  • SG505 oscillator
  • SPG11 / SPG12 pal sync generator modules
  • SPG13 pal timing generaotor module
  • SPG1 / SPG2 ntsc sync generator modules
  • SPG3 ntsc timing generator module
  • SW503 sweep generator
  • S type semiconductor diode recovery unit
  • T912 10 MHz storage oscilloscope -- bound in ring folder --
  • T912 10MHz sstorage oscilloscope with options parts list and diagrams
  • T912 10MHz storage oscilloscope
  • T912 10MHz storage oscilloscope with options
  • T921 / T922 / T922R 15MHz oscilloscopes with options
  • T921 / T922 15MHz portable oscilloscope
  • T922R oscilloscope with options
  • T932A / T935A 35MHz portable oscilloscope
  • T932 / T935 35MHz portable oscilloscope
  • TG501 time mark generator
  • TM5000 programming refrence insstrument control and i/o aug 1981 - wall poster -
  • TM5006 power module ( francais deutsch japan )
  • TM500 mainframe test procedure
  • TM500 modular test and measurement system - brochure
  • TM500 power module tester and utility power supply construction note
  • TM500 series rear interface data book
  • TM501 power module
  • TM503 power module
  • TM504 power module
  • TM506 / RTM506 power module
  • TM506 power module
  • TM515 five compartment portable power module
  • TR501 tracking generator
  • TR502 tracking generator
  • TSG11 pal colour bar test signal generator module
  • TSG13 pal linarity test signal generator module
  • TSG14 pal black burst test signal generator module
  • TSG16 pal multiburst and video sweeo test signal generator module
  • TSG1 ntsc colr bar test signal generator module
  • TSG2 ntsc convergence pattern test signal generator module sn b020470 - up
  • TSG3 ntsc linearity test signal generator module
  • TSG4 ntsc black burst test signal generator module
  • TSG5 ntsc pulse & bar test signal generator module
  • TSG7 smpte colr bars generator module
  • T type time base generator
  • Telequipment_B / Telequipment_C plug-in amplifiers ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_C3 calibrator ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_C3 calibrator ( telequipment branded ) -- photo copy, unbound --
  • Telequipment_CT71 curve tracer ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D1010 / Telequipment_D1011 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D1015 / Telequipment_D1016 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D31 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D43 / Telequipment_D43R oscilloscope prior to sn 70,000 ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D43 laboritory oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D61 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D65 / Telequipment_D66 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D65 calibration procedure
  • Telequipment_D65 inspection procedure
  • Telequipment_D66A oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D67A oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D67 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_D75 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_DM51 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_DM64 storage oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_DM64 storage oscilloscope ( telequipment branded ) -- photo copy --
  • Telequipment_K plug-in amplifier ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_S54A / Telequipment_S54AR oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • Telequipment_S61 oscilloscope ( telequipment branded )
  • WR501 word recognizer / delay
  • WSEN camera writing speed enhanser
  • W type high gain diffrential comparator
  • Z type calibrated diffrential comparator
  • a fully programmable digital storage plug-in for tek 7000 series oscilloscopes
  • accessories guide 1984
  • annual report, 41st year, may 30, 1987
  • automatic monitoring of video signals at transcoding locations, TV app note 32
  • basic oscilloscope operation
  • basic video system testing, TV app note 35
  • bistable storage applications
  • calibration and repair services, instrumentation product services and price list 1988 -- unbound --
  • calibration fixture catalog 1983
  • calibration fixtures 1971, catalog
  • calibration fixtures 1980, catalog
  • calibration fixtures catalog 1971
  • carrier / noise measurements without math for cctv
  • chroma circuit troubleshooting
  • circuit concepts, automated testing systems -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, digital concepts -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, horizontal amplifier circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, measurement concepts -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, oscilloscope probe circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, oscilloscope trigger circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, power supply circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, sampling oscilloscope circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, storage cathode-ray tubes and circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, sweep generator circuits -- book bound --
  • circuit concepts, television waveform processing circuits -- book bound --
  • component news issue 337 june 1987
  • component news issue 338 july 1987
  • current source and misc dwgs -- looks like an internal project ? --
  • data for pricing service, dec 1983 -- internal document --
  • digital concepts quizzes -- photo copy, unbound --
  • digital storage oscilloscopes in biomedical research
  • essential of data communications
  • firm service prices on over 500 products, jan 1984
  • frequency response testing using the sin x/x test signal, TV app note 31
  • handshake vol 4 no 4 fall/winter 1979
  • handshake vol 8 no 2 fall/winter 1983
  • hotlines vol4 no 3 december 1987
  • ieee-488 system instruments 1981
  • instument price list jan 1965
  • international service capabilities
  • introduction to the 7000 series scale factor readout
  • junction functions, semiconductor theory and circuit analysis
  • logic analyzer concepts
  • logistics data book, second edition
  • long term product support information for all tek products jan 1986 -- company confidential
  • looking at VITS, application note
  • lubrication kit instructions
  • measurement concepts, television systems -- book bound --
  • measuring distortions in television signal
  • microfiche reference manual 1984
  • microfiche reference manual 1987
  • noise measurements using the spectrum analyzer, part 1, random noise
  • noise measurements using the spectrum analyzer, part 2, impulse noise
  • operational amplifiers and their applications
  • oscilloscope camera concepts -- book bound, spine glue damaged --
  • oscilloscope camera system 5 inch cameras and accessories
  • parts catalog 1 - integrated circuits jan 1984 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 1 - integrated circuits jan 1987 -- ring bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 2 - mechanical jun 1983 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 3 - materials mar 1980 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 3 - materials may 1984 -- ring bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 4 - electromechanical jan 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 4 - electromechanical mar 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors dec 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 5 - resistors and capacitors jul 1985 -- ring bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 6 - wire, insulation & power supplies dec 1981 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 6 - wire, insulation & power supplies mar 1983 -- book bound -- company confidential
  • parts catalog 8 - transistors diodes & msc mar 1986 -- ring bound -- company confidential
  • peak to peak detector & monitor, primary electrical standards
  • plot 50 introduction to graphics programming in basic
  • principles of storage scopes and tubes
  • product catalog 1968
  • product catalog 1969
  • product catalog 1970
  • product catalog 1974
  • product catalog 1975
  • product catalog 1976
  • product catalog 1977
  • product catalog 1978
  • product catalog 1979
  • product catalog 1979
  • product catalog 1981
  • product catalog 1982
  • product catalog 1983
  • product catalog 1989
  • product catalog television 1980
  • semiconductor diodes and transistors, programmed instructions, vol 6 ref for vol 1-3
  • semiconductor diodes and transistors, programmed instructions, vol 7 ref for vol 4-5
  • service scope index october 1959 - 1975 -- unbound photo copy --
  • service scope number 1 october 1959
  • service scope number 10 october 1961
  • service scope number 12 febuary 1962
  • service scope number 13 april 1962
  • service scope number 14 june 1962
  • service scope number 15 august 1962
  • service scope number 16 october 1962
  • service scope number 17 december 1962 - photo copy
  • service scope number 18 febuary 1963
  • service scope number 19 april 1963
  • service scope number 2 january 1960
  • service scope number 20 june 1963
  • service scope number 21 august 1963
  • service scope number 22 october 1963
  • service scope number 23 december 1963
  • service scope number 24 febuary 1964
  • service scope number 25 april 1964
  • service scope number 26 june 1964
  • service scope number 27 august 1964
  • service scope number 28 october 1964
  • service scope number 29 december 1964
  • service scope number 3 august 1960
  • service scope number 30 febuary 1965
  • service scope number 31 april 1965
  • service scope number 32 june 1965
  • service scope number 33 august 1965
  • service scope number 34 october 1965
  • service scope number 35 december 1965
  • service scope number 36 febuary 1966
  • service scope number 37 april 1966
  • service scope number 38 june 1966
  • service scope number 39 august 1966
  • service scope number 4 december 1960
  • service scope number 40 october 1966
  • service scope number 41 december 1966
  • service scope number 42 febuary 1967
  • service scope number 43 april 1967
  • service scope number 44 june 1967
  • service scope number 45 august 1967
  • service scope number 46 october 1967
  • service scope number 47 december 1967
  • service scope number 48 feb 1968
  • service scope number 49 april 1968
  • service scope number 5 august 1960
  • service scope number 50 june 1968
  • service scope number 51 august 1968
  • service scope number 52 october 1968
  • service scope number 53 december 1968
  • service scope number 6 febuary 1961
  • service scope number 7 april 1961
  • service scope number 8 june 1961
  • service scope number 9 august 1961
  • service scope reprint, a practical approach to transistor and vacuum tube amplifiers
  • service tek notes, issue 57 november 1989
  • t&m stock book? -- possibly a departmental library catalog? -- unbound
  • tekscope august 1969
  • tekscope july 1972
  • tekscope volume 12 number 2 1980
  • tekscope volume 12 number 3 1980
  • tekscope volume 3 number 4
  • tekscope volume 6 number 1 mar/apr 1975
  • tekscope volume 8 number 4 1976
  • tektronix accessories: engineered as the perfect compliment to instruments -- catalog --
  • television products application note 22, a simple color background generator,
  • television products application note 24, a simple color background generator,
  • the XYZs of using a scope
  • the random sampling oscilloscope
  • troubleshooting the color TV power supply, application note
  • variable persistence storage applications
  • video concepts, introduction basic television system requirements -- unbound --