Main Page

Revision as of 13:15, 27 August 2024 by Kurt (talk | contribs)

We have pages for over 2,000 products, 1,600+ patents, 700+ components, 300+ key people, and more.

We also keep some 6,000 PDF documents – manuals, catalogs, specifications, data sheets etc.

In addition, you can find 18,000 images such as equipment photos, and over 1,000 ROM images and software packages here.

Welcome to TekWiki, a wiki for the community of Tektronix oscilloscope enthusiasts.

The purpose of this website is to help people get information about classic Tektronix, Telequipment, and Keithley equipment. You don't need an account if you just want to read pages and download files.

There is nothing for sale here. This site is not affiliated with the company Tektronix; it was built purely by volunteer effort.


To find what you need, you can browse the various tabs on the top of this Main Page where most instruments are listed, e.g. the "Tube Scopes" section. We also have visual index pages for important series of instruments that help identify instruments from photos.

Even easier is using the "Search TekWiki" box on the top of the page, e.g. to locate instruments by type number.

The manuals stored on this site are named following their Tektronix part numbers. They are indexed on the Manuals page and always linked to the respective instrument's page, so it is easiest to start from a specific model's page.

Every now and then you may find a red link on one of our pages – this means that the linked page has not been written yet, or we do not yet have a copy of the linked document. If you have any helpful information, please see below.


If you want to add to TekWiki or improve existing TekWiki pages, please email the administrator for an account.

We have some guidelines for contributors that can help you understand how we structure this wiki.

Other resources

See the External Links tab for online discussion groups, museums and other resources.